Our Database Of EPSO Simulation Tests Are Constantly Expanding

EU Training

Prepare for EPSO Pre-Selection Exams with EU Training

When choosing a practice platform to prepare for your upcoming EPSO exam, it is vital that your sample test provider keeps its question database up to date to comply with the latest EPSO trends.

The team at EU Training continually monitors the changes imposed by EPSO and expands, improves, updates it vast question database accordingly. Our primary mission is to ensure you receive the most comparable EPSO test simulations possible to effectively train for the real thing. Because it's very important to get a realistic idea of your current test performance. This way you can clearly spot weaknesses and areas you'll need to develop your skills in. By improving in problem areas, your ability to reach a higher exam score greatly increases.     

In addition to systematically reviewing and improving the quality of the existing questions in our database, we also need to keep up with the demand for new EPSO simulations.

EU Training has significantly expanded its question database since the beginning of this year and will continue to do so throughout the year as well. So, what are these additions?

Verbal Reasoning

An immense amount of energy has been invested into expanding our verbal reasoning question database, which offers verbal reasoning tests in 16 languages.

Our English verbal reasoning database has expanded by 200 questions. But in addition to this, our other language databases have also had a substantial increase in verbal reasoning question numbers. The following languages have seen the following updates:

  • Italian: 190 new verbal reasoning questions added
  • Spanish: 180 new verbal reasoning questions added
  • Greek: 170 new verbal reasoning questions added
  • Romanian: 165 new verbal reasoning questions added
  • French: 130 new verbal reasoning questions added

In addition to the enlargement of various verbal reasoning question databases, the following languages have also had solution explanations added, which were previously missing:

  • English: 82 verbal reasoning solution explanations added in English
  • Spanish: 200 verbal reasoning solution explanations added in Spanish
  • Greek: 183 verbal reasoning solution explanations added in Greek
  • Italian: 179 verbal reasoning solution explanations added in Italian

Our work to expand our verbal reasoning database is still ongoing, so stay tuned for further updates :)

Abstract Reasoning

EU Training has also invested a considerable amount of energy into the expansion of its abstract reasoning question database. 500 new abstract reasoning questions have been added to our database. More are currently in development and new questions will be added periodically as they get completed.

We also have great news for those wishing to practice in French. The 500 most recently developed abstract reasoning questions are currently being translated into French (solution explanations included) and will be available to access via EU Training’s Practice Center by mid-June.

Basic IT Literacy

EPSO changed the Secretary/Clerks pre-selection exam slightly this year to include a new test – Basic IT Literacy. In response to this change, EU Training developed 350 Basic IT Literacy questions for candidates preparing for the 2018 Secretary/Clerks competitions. This addition to the database will be very valuable for future competition as well.


Last year 8 brand new e-tray exercises were added, in addition to the 5 existing e-tray exercises already available in our database. In light of feedback received from candidates about new changes introduced by EPSO in the 2017 e-tray exercise round, each of our 13 e-trays are being thoroughly reviewed to ensure that the number of questions and scenarios presented in each exercise aligns perfectly with the new version of this exam.  In addition to this review, a minimum of 5 new e-tray exercises are being written, to be completed for the 2018 round of e-tray exams.

EU Training’s EPSO simulation test packages can be accessed here


Are you new to EPSO Competitions?

Our research shows that most candidates who succeed start preparing 2-3 months before the pre-selection tests take place.

EU Training offers a wealth of practice materials for all stages and levels of the EU institutions’ selection exams.

Check out our FREE E-bookswebinarswebcasts and e-learning materials to help you excel.

If you have a question or need additional help in understanding the EPSO processes, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Want to see what these EPSO Pre-Selection exams look like? 
Try our FREE EPSO Exam Demo

Unsure how the EPSO selection process works? 
View our short video - ‘New To EPSO Competitions’


Useful reading:

The Motivation Challenge - What To Write In Your EPSO Application?

How To Make The Most Of Your EPSO Talent Screener

13 Best EPSO Preparation Resources - Free and Paid

What EU Job Applicants Should Always Keep in Mind

6 Reasons Why EU Exam Candidates Fail