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New to EU Exams?

Do you want to start your EU career but not sure where to start? Then you’ve come to the right place. EU Training is here to guide you along your EPSO journey to success: from learning how the EU selection process works to helping you prepare for the EPSO exams, we’re here for you every step of the way. Prepare - improve - succeed!

EPSO Selection Processes

The European Personnel Selection Office, a.k.a. EPSO, is considered the HR department of the European Union and is tasked with selecting suitable candidates to fill available positions within the EU institutions.

There are two types of selection processes that EPSO is responsible for:

  1. Selecting Permanent Officials (EPSO Competitions)
  2. Selecting Contract Agents (CAST)

EPSO Competitions

Notice of Competition

EPSO releases competitions regularly based on the recruitment needs of the EU institutions.

Every single EPSO competition starts with a Notice of Competition released by EPSO and published in the Official Journal of the EU (EUR-Lex). Also known as the NoC, this document is the official source for finding out the number of places on the reserve list, all the eligibility requirements, which tests will be included and how they will be scored, duties that will be expected on the job, and much more.

Here is a step-by-step, simplified guide on how to participate in an EPSO competition:

  1. Register an account on EPSO’s website
  2. Apply to a competition you are eligible for through your EPSO account
  3. Complete the selection process according to the Notice of Competition (exams)

Are you eligible?

To be considered for a particular position available within an EU Institution, every applicant will have to meet the following eligibility criteria:


  • Have EU citizenship
  • Fulfilled military service requirements (if applicable)
  • Meet the character requirements


  • Knowledge of at least 2 EU languages (as detailed in the NoC)*
  • Diploma and work experience requirements (as detailed in the NoC)

* For certain profiles there may be a requirement for knowledge of at least 3 languages, e.g. lawyer-linguists, translators and proofreaders. Make sure to always consult the official Notice of Competition for EPSO competition eligibility criteria.


To get the process started you have to apply for the competition through your EPSO account by the due date as given in the Notice of Competition. It is very important to remember, that once you validate your EPSO competition application you can no longer change it. Keep this in mind before doing the final submission of your application.

You may also be asked to upload supporting documents by a second due date about one month after the application due date. But this will be detailed in the NoC if it is required for your competition.

EPSO Tests

All EPSO exams are held online and are remotely proctored. All the EPSO tests required for your competition will be held on the same day, except in the case of translators where it is split up into two days. Which languages you will be taking these tests in is always detailed in the official Notice of Competition. The tests you are required to sit vary according to the EPSO  profile, as follows:


EPSO AD5 Generalists

  • Computer-Based Test (CBT) / Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests
  • EU Knowledge Test / EPSO will provide the resources to study directly on their website
  • Digital Skills Test
  • Written Test / EUFTE (Free-text Essay on EU matters assessing only written communication skills)

EPSO Specialists

  • Computer-Based Test (CBT) / Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests
  • Field-Related Multiple Choice Test (MCQ)
  • AD6 and up - Written Test (related to the field(s) of the competition, but only one competency is assessed which is written communication skills. 
  • AST - Written Test / EUFTE (Free-text Essay on EU matters assessing only written communication skills)


  • Computer-Based Test (CBT) / Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests
  • Translators may also have one or more of the following:
    • Language Knowledge Test
      • Multiple choice test with four answer options and only one correct answer
      • 25 minutes to answer 25 questions 
      • Any of these competencies may be tested: grammar, vocabulary, idiomatic usage, spelling and punctuation.
    • Language Comprehension Test
      • 25 minutes to answer 12 multiple-choice questions
      • Each question is based on a scenario linked to four different answer options, only one of which is correct.
      • Each question is worth one point
      • Wrong answers are not penalised
      • Designed to assess linguistic abilities such as: vocabulary, grammar/syntax constructions and style.
      • They are not field related and no extra knowledge is needed other than what is provided in the text.
    • Translation Test
    • Revision Test


  • Computer-Based Test (CBT) / Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests
  • Translation Test 


Computer-Based Test | Reasoning Skills
The CBT comprises the Verbal, Numerical and Abstract reasoning tests. The purpose of these tests is to find suitable candidates by revealing their aptitudes and to help predict future job performance. The EPSO CBT is pass/fail and the pass mark will always be given in the Notice of Competition.

EU Knowledge Test (Generalists)

As the name suggests, this multiple choice test will test candidates’ knowledge about the EU institutions and EU policies. The scores will be ranked and those reaching the highest scores will pass.

Field-Related MCQ (Specialists)
This is a multiple choice test that reveals a candidates’ knowledge about their specific field, or area of expertise. There will be a mixture of specific field-related questions and questions about EU policy directly related to your field as well. These scores are ranked and only those reaching the highest score will pass.

Written Test
The objective of the EPSO Written Test is to assess a candidate’s written communication skills. EPSO releases the document about two weeks before the exam, and the assignment given on exam day will be related to that document. The document is always a publicly available document that is related to current EU policies and matters.

Eligibility Checks

This is the phase of the competition where the declarations made in the application are checked against the uploaded supporting documents. Eligibility standards can vary from competition to competition that is why it is imperative to study the Notice of Competition to become familiar with the particular eligibility criteria of your specific competition. 

However, generally speaking, your eligibility will only be checked if you*:

  • Reach the pass mark on the CBT
  • Reach the pass mark and have one of the highest scores on the MCQ (EU Knowledge or Field-Related)
  • Reach the pass mark on the Written Test

*This does not apply to all profiles, this is just a general guideline.

Reserve List

If your eligibility was checked and you met the requirements, and you successfully passed all the EPSO exams as required, then you will be put on the reserve list from where the hiring entities can then recruit you.

EPSO Profiles

Permanent officials of the EU Civil Service are divided into different functional groups and must pass a recruitment competition. EU officials are split into three main categories:

CAST Permanent Process

Contract Agents Selection Tool

The reason this is called permanent is because it is an ongoing selection without any due dates or deadlines, ergo you can submit your application at any time.

The primary purpose of the competition is to create a pool of eligible candidates who can be called in at short notice for a temporary contract, e.g. when a position needs to be filled due to increased workload, covering for maternity leave and other similar reasons.

The full official information on the CAST selection procedure can be found in the Call For Expression Of Interest For Contract Staff. This details everything you need to know about applying for CAST. Below we give a general overview, but please consult the official document for full information.

Are you eligible?

Similarly to EPSO competitions you must meet the required criteria to be eligible for CAST.

General criteria

  • Have EU citizenship
  • Fulfilled military service requirements (if applicable)
  • Meet the character requirements

Specific criteria (as detailed in the Function Group and details in the Call for Expressions of Interest):

  • Knowledge of at least 2 EU languages
  • Diploma and work experience requirements

* For certain profiles there may be a requirement for knowledge of at least 3 languages, e.g. translators and proofreaders. Make sure to always consult the official Notice of Competition for EPSO competition eligibility criteria.

The CAST application process

Similarly to the EPSO competitions, before you do anything you need to register an account on the EPSO website. Here are the steps of the application, selection and recruitment process for CAST:

  1. Create an EPSO account
  2. Find desired job vacancy on the ‘Open for application’ page
  3. Submit application through the specific job vacancy page
  4. Get ‘pre-selected’ from the database by the hiring entity
  5. Invitation to sit the EPSO CBT pre-selection exams
  6. Job interviews, maybe further testing, by recruitment services of the hiring entity

The EPSO CBT for CAST Candidates

The EPSO CBT for CAST candidates is an online exam that is remotely proctored. It is considered a pre-selection exam and comprises the Verbal, Numerical and Abstract reasoning tests. Candidates must reach the 10/20 pass mark for verbal reasoning and the 10/20 combined pass mark for numerical and abstract reasoning

If a candidate succeeds on the CBT, the score remains valid for ten years (counting from the date the results were published in the candidate’s EPSO account), but only for the same, or lower, function group(s) across all profiles. If a candidate would like to apply for a higher function group, they must retake the EPSO CBT.

If a candidate does not reach the pass mark they cannot be ‘shortlisted’ for the same or higher function group for six months. It will still be possible to be pre-selected for a lower function group, however.

Function Groups

For contract agent positions there are 4 Function Groups, or categories:
FGI | Manual and administrative support-service tasks
FGII | Clerical or secretarial tasks, office management and other equivalent tasks
FGIII | Executive tasks, drafting, accountancy and other equivalent technical tasks
FGIV | Administrative, advisory, linguistic and equivalent technical tasks