What's coming up in September 2024 | EPSO Rundown

EU Training

EPSO competitions news for August 2024.

As we step into September, EPSO candidates have much to anticipate, with several key updates and developments on the horizon here's a quick rundown.

  • Hopefully, all potential AST3 Finance candidates validated their EPSO applications on time - the due date was this past week.
  • As announced by EPSO on their own site, this month they will hopefully announce testing dates for many ongoing competitions, a much-anticipated milestone after several delays due to a change in testing providers.
  • Candidates for AST3 finance, statisticians, crisis management and migration security, economics, and nuclear energy competitions may receive their test dates soon, with many of these exam dates predicted for late autumn. 

All candidates will have a written test as part of their EPSO selection exams. This is why András Baneth is presenting a general methodology webinar on this very subject. Don't miss out, register here:

EPSO Written Test Methodology | Live Webinar | 10 September

Stay tuned for further updates from EPSO, but in the meantime take a moment to check out the ongoing competitions below to find yours and get all the important dates and information on how to prepare.

Use these handy quick links to navigate:

Ongoing EPSO competitions



Applications were due this past week on 3 September 2024. EPSO has not published the number of applicants yet, but the deadline for submitting supporting documents in 15 October 2024. Based on past exams, one could predict that the exam date may be early October. Join the Facebook groups for each profile here:

Learn with EU Training

Create a solid base for your EPSO prep, get started with learning the methodology behind the EPSO CBT and improve your verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning skills:

EPSO Field-Related MCQ practice question packages and EPSO-style written test simulations


Free resources


CAST (Contract agent selection tool)

Have you submitted or updated your application in the CAST database yet? It's worth it because EPSO has announced three test dates for the autumn. More dates mean more recruiters are looking through applications for suitable candidates, increasing your chances of being invited to sit the EPSO CBT (reasoning skills tests). From the EPSO website:

Testing dates

  • 11 September
  • 17 October
  • 27 November

The EPSO CBT includes verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning tests. Below is the summary of each test, including required pass marks. You can read the full Call for Interest here.

Test type



Pass mark

Verbal reasoning

20 questions

35 minutes


Numerical reasoning

10 questions

20 minutes

NR and AR combined passmark: 10/20

Abstract reasoning

10 questions

10 minutes

How to pass the CAST exam

Learn the test methodology, simulate test conditions and improve your reasoning skills with consistent practice. EU Training can help you achieve your goals, check out all our test prep resources:



The only piece of info transport candidates need to know now is their exam date. The EPSO reasoning skills, field-related MCQ and written test will all happen on one day at the same time: 25 September 2024

EPSO transport exam prep packages

EU Training's discount Transport EPSO prep packages include practice questions for verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning skills and the field-related MCQ, plus EPSO-style written test simulations, with or without evaluations. You can buy the discounted package or purchase questions and written tests individually.

Improve your reasoning skills

Free resources



Not much change for these candidates. Everyone has their fingers crossed for an exam date announcement soon. We can only guesstimate that it may be sometime in October, based on how EPSO has scheduled the Transport exam.

  • Be among the first to know when the exam date is finally announced: join the EPSO Statisticians Facebook group

EPSO statisticians exam prep packages

All you need to prepare in one place: choose from 3 customised EPSO prep packages which include: reasoning skills questions, Field-related MCQ practice and EPSO-style written test simulations.

  1. Data and statistics
  2. Macroeconomic statistics

Free resources



These candidates are also twiddling their thumbs in anticipation of an exam date. Again, we can only guess, but an exam date is most likely be towards the end of November, beginning of December.

EPSO economists exam prep packages

You will find a customised EPSO prep package for all three profiles that include practice questions for the reasoning skills tests and for the field-related MCQ, as well as written test simulations (with or without evaluations):

  1. Microeconomics/macroeconomics 
  2. Financial Economics
  3. Industrial Economics

Free resources



When will exam day be? This is the question on everyone's mind. When will EPSO answer it? Very soon, we hope. Since supporting documents are due at the end of November, testing can be expected at the end of October / beginning of November. This is just a guesstimation based on how EPSO has scheduled tests to date.

EPSO nuclear exam prep packages

Your one-stop shop for EPSO prep: EU Training's customised packages include practice questions for verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning tests and for the field-related MCQ, and also EPSO-style written test simulations related to the field.

  1. Nuclear safeguards inspectors
  2. Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy

Free resources



Judging by the submission deadline for supporting documents, we predict a test date sometime in December. But it's anybody's guess at this point, only EPSO knows. Don't miss out any important news, join the Facebook group: Crisis Management & Migration and Internal Security - EPSO Exams.

Candidates from both profiles will find suitable, discounted packages to prepare for their exams, they include CBT (reasoning skills) questions, field-related MCQ practice and written test simulations. Get the full down-low about it on these links:

  1. Crisis management 
  2. Migration and internal security

Free resources


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