What's coming up in July | EU Exams Rundown

EU Training

EPSO and non-EPSO competitions news for July 2024.

As we head into the deep summer slumber of so-called 'cucumber season', EPSO keeps tweaking dates and info for competitions. The AST3 competition will open for applications at the end of July. But the most exciting news is the release of a test date for the Transport competition and CAST! Scroll through the summary to get the most recent updates:

  • These competitions will only get updates about testing dates after the summer break, in September:
    • EPSO/AD/402/23 - Economists
    • EPSO/AD/403/23 - Crisis Management & Migration and Internal Security
    • EPSO/AD/411/23 - Nuclear Energy
    • EPSO/AD/412/24 - Statisticians
  • The Transport competition reserve list places jumped from 80 to 220 and most excitingly, the test date has been announced! (see below)
  • Three competitions have had their supporting documents submission deadline changed to a later date:
    • EPSO/AD/402/23 - Economists
    • EPSO/AD/410/23 - Transport
    • EPSO/AD/411/23 - Nuclear Energy
  • New CAST CBT test date announced! (see below)

Use the quick links below to click through to your competition's info:



Open for applications




On 25 July 2024 EPSO will open applications for assistants in three fields of finance:

  • Financial management
  • Accounting and treasury
  • Public procurement

EU Training will be hosting a free info webcast on 31 July to help candidates decode the Notice of Competition.

Learn with EU Training

Get a head start on honing your EPSO CBT Reasoning Skills:

EPSO Field-Related MCQ practice question packages - COMING SOON!



EPSO opened applications for Statisticians (EPSO/AD/412/24) on 11 June 2024. There are two profiles: 1-Data and statistics (AD6) and 2-Macroeconomic statistics (AD7)

EU Training Prep Packages

These customised packages include everything you need: CBT - Reasoning skills questions, Field-Related MCQ practice and EPSO-style Written Test simulations.

  1. Data and statistics
  2. Macroeconomic statistics

Free resources



Applications closed today, 9 July! However, the supporting documents submission deadline has been moved to 31 December 2024 (instead of the original 4 September).

EU Training Prep Packages | EPSO/AD/402/23

We offer customised prep packages for all three profiles that include Reasoning skills questions, practice questions for the field-related MCQ and written test simulations (with or without evaluations:

  1. Microeconomics/macroeconomics 
  2. Financial Economics
  3. Industrial Economics

Free resources



Applications were due today, July 9! We recommend taking a few days or even a week to relax, then it's time to get started on some serious preparation work.

EU Training Prep Packages | EPSO/AD/403/23

Including CBT (reasoning skills) questions, field-related MCQ practice and Written Test Simulations:

  1. Crisis management 
  2. Migration and internal security

Free resources



The number of successful laureates sought has been more than doubled, going from 80 places on the reserve list to 220 places on the reserve list. The deadline for supporting documents to be submitted has also been moved to 4 October 2024. And the most exciting news? EPSO announced the test date:

The CBT, Field-related MCQ and Written Test will all be happening on 25 September 2024 at 13:00 Brussels time!

EU Training Prep Packages | EPSO/AD/410/23

Customised Transport prep package, including reasoning skills (EPSO CBT) practice, field-related MCQ questions and EPSO-style written test simulations, with or without evaluations.

Improve your reasoning skills

Free resources



This is one of the competitions which has had the supporting documents submission deadline moved, the new date is 29 November 2024.

EU Training Prep Packages | EPSO/AD/411/23

These packages are customised to each profile and include reasoning skills - EPSO CBT practice, field-related MCQ practice questions, and Written test simulations, with or without evaluations.

  1. Nuclear safeguards inspectors
  2. Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy

Free resources



EPSO just announced a new testing date for CAST candidates: 11 September 2024. The reasoning skills test, a.k.a. the CBT, comprises Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning. Here is the test info and pass marks you need to reach:

Test type



Pass mark

Verbal Reasoning

20 questions

35 minutes


Numerical Reasoning

10 questions

20 minutes

NR and AR combined passmark: 10/20

Abstract Reasoning

10 questions

10 minutes


You need an EPSO account and can only apply to the CAST database through the EPSO website. You should update your application regularly because recruiting services constantly look through the database as staff needs arise. If your application stands out and matches their needs, you will be invited to sit the CBT (reasoning skills test). 

See all available positions and apply through the specific profile page on the EPSO ongoing selection procedures page, and make sure to click on the Selection procedures for Contract agents tab.


Learn the EPSO CBT test-taking methodology, simulate test conditions and improve your skills with regular practice and training sessions with expert coaches: