What's coming up in August 2024 | EPSO Rundown

EU Training

EPSO competitions news for August 2024.

21,796 EPSO candidates have submitted, or re-submitted, their applications for EPSO competitions in 2024 so far, and the majority are still waiting for EPSO to announce a test date. That number will jump significantly after the application period closes for the EPSO AST3 Finance competition.

But you don't have to wait to start preparing. This is your golden opportunity to get a head start on EPSO exams happening from September. Grab your sunblock, a cool drink and your laptop to turn this downtime into your prime prep time.

Here’s the breakdown of applicant numbers per competition plus everything you need to know about upcoming, open, and ongoing EPSO competitions. Use these handy quick links to navigate:

Open for applications

Ongoing EPSO competitions



On 25 July 2024, EPSO opened applications for assistants covering three different profiles:

  • Financial management
  • Accounting and treasury
  • Public procurement
  • Application Deadline: 3 September 2024, 12:00 (Brussels Time)
  • For more details and to apply, visit the Open for Application page.

András Baneth presented an info webcast covering the application process, the Notice of Competition, the selection tests and how to prepare. Watch the full recording for free: EPSO AST3 Finance competition webcast.

Learn with EU Training

Create a solid base for your EPSO prep, get started with learning the methodology behind the EPSO CBT and improve your reasoning skills:

EPSO Field-Related MCQ practice question packages

  • will be available by the end of August

Free resources


CAST (Contract agent selection tool)

Make sure to submit or update your application in the CAST database because EPSO has THREE test dates planned for Autumn 2024. More dates means more recruiters looking through applications for suitable candidates, which means increased chances to be invited to sit the EPSO CBT (reasoning skills tests). From the EPSO website:

Testing dates

  • 11 September
  • 17 October
  • 27 November

The EPSO CBT includes verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning tests. Below is the summary of each test, including required pass marks. You can read the full Call for Interest here.

Test type



Pass mark

Verbal reasoning

20 questions

35 minutes


Numerical reasoning

10 questions

20 minutes

NR and AR combined passmark: 10/20

Abstract reasoning

10 questions

10 minutes

How to pass the CAST exam

Learn the test methodology, simulate test conditions and improve your reasoning skills with consistent practice and participate in workshops with expert coaches:



3935 transport candidates will collectively commence testing at 13:00 on 25 September 2024. All candidates will be doing all tests at the same time in one go: Reasoning skills tests, field-related MCQ test and written test

EPSO transport exam prep packages

EU Training's customised Transport EPSO prep package includes practice questions for the 3 reasoning skills and the field-related MCQ, plus EPSO-style written test simulations, with or without evaluations. You can buy the discounted package or purchase questions individually.

Improve your reasoning skills

Free resources



The application period for this EPSO competition closed in mid-July, here's how many applied in each profile:

  • Data and statistics (AD6) | 2623 applicants
  • Macroeconomic statistics (AD7) | 440 applicants

We can only guesstimate when the test may take place, but it will be most likely be in October sometime if we take the transport competition tempo as an example.

EPSO statisticians exam prep packages

All you need to prepare in one place: these customised EPSO prep packages include: reasoning skills questions, Field-related MCQ practice and EPSO-style written test simulations.

  1. Data and statistics
  2. Macroeconomic statistics

Free resources



After the application period closed in early July, the number of applicants increased slightly in each profile compared to the number of applications originally submitted to make it a whopping 7330 candidates total, here are the final numbers in each profile:

  • Microeconomics/macroeconomics | 2502 candidates
  • Financial Economics | 3350 candidates
  • Industrial Economics | 1278 candidates

Testing will probably be in November, maybe the beginning of December, but most likely before supporting documents are due on 31 December 2024. This is an estimate based on comparison of how other EPSO competitions are being scheduled.

EPSO economists exam prep packages

You will find a customised EPSO prep package for all three profiles that include practice questions for the reasoning skills tests and for the field-related MCQ, as well as written test simulations (with or without evaluations):

  1. Microeconomics/macroeconomics 
  2. Financial Economics
  3. Industrial Economics

Free resources



The application period closed a while ago, and the number of applicants did go up for each profile. Since supporting documents are due at the end of November, testing can be expected at the end of October / beginning of November. Here are the final numbers:

  1. Nuclear safeguards inspectors | 499 applicants
  2. Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy | 707 applicants

EPSO nuclear exam prep packages

Your one-stop shop for EPSO prep? EU Training's customised packages that include practice questions for reasoning tests and for the field-related MCQ, and also written test simulations related to the field.

  1. Nuclear safeguards inspectors
  2. Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy

Free resources



Judging by the submission deadline for supporting documents, these candidates can probably expect a test date at the start of December. The new number of applicants was also published on EPSO's competition profile pages, and numbers increased significantly:

  1. Crisis management | 3234 applicants
  2. Migration and internal security | 3228 applicants

EPSO exam prep packages 

Candidates from both profiles will find suitable, customised packages to prepare for their exams, they include CBT (reasoning skills) questions, field-related MCQ practice and written test simulations. Check them out on the links below:

  1. Crisis management 
  2. Migration and internal security

Free resources


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