What's coming up in October 2024 | EPSO Rundown

EU Training

EPSO competitions news for August 2024.

The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) released a wave of exciting news at the end of last week. Not only are there two brand new competitions launching this year, but EPSO has also finally dropped exam dates for five highly anticipated competitions. Additionally, AST3 candidates for the internal competition will begin their Oral Test phase next week.

There’s a lot to get through, so we’ll get right to it.

First off, one thing all of these exams have in common is a Written Test. Make sure to check out the freshly recorded webinar on this very subject, presented by András Baneth:

EPSO Written Test Methodology

Next, find your competition, see what’s new and find out how to prepare. Use these handy quick links to navigate:

Ongoing EPSO competitions

Upcoming EPSO competitions


CAST (Contract agent selection tool)

Have you updated or submitted your application in the CAST database yet? If not, now's the time! Two test dates are left for this autumn, signalling that recruiters are actively searching for suitable candidates. With more opportunities on the horizon, your chances of being invited to take the EPSO CBT (reasoning skills tests) have never been higher. It’s a prime moment to ensure your application stands out. From the EPSO website:

Testing dates

  • 17 October
  • 27 November

The EPSO CBT (computer-based test) tests your verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning skills. This table summarises the requirements for each test. You can read the full Call for Interest here.

Test type



Pass mark

Verbal reasoning

20 questions

35 minutes


Numerical reasoning

10 questions

20 minutes

NR and AR combined passmark: 10/20

Abstract reasoning

10 questions

10 minutes

Your path to success

Ace the CAST exam easily by mastering the test methodology, sharpening your reasoning skills, and practising under real test conditions. With EU Training you’ll have access to everything you need to boost your confidence and achieve your goals.



You have less than four weeks to prepare. The first step is to take a deep breath and remain calm. It is absolutely possible to be fully prepared by exam day, 25 October. Here's how.

Prep packages

These include every test type you need to practice

  1. Data and statistics
  2. Macroeconomic statistics

Prep plan


  • For the next two weeks dedicate one hour to practicing one of each of the test types.
  • From 14 October increase this to 2-3 hours of practice a night, rotating the types of tests, spending the most time on the type you most struggle with
    • Verbal reasoning 
    • Numerical reasoning
    • Abstract reasoning
    • Field-related MCQs

Weekends: Increase your practice by 30 minutes for each type of test and watch webinars

Participate in training sessions

  • 2-hour workshops on weeknights - 15, 16, and 17 October (these count towards your daily practice!)
  • Full day Saturday if you can, 12 October

Do a Written Test Simulation + Evaluation

  • A few days after EPSO releases the WT document we will have a Written Test product available that includes
    • an assignment based on EPSO's documents (not the real one - that is only revealed on exam day)
    • an evaluation
      • YOU CHOOSE from the calendar when you will submit your written test for evaluation
    • additional analytical documents
  • There is a guaranteed 1-day turnaround for these exam-specific evaluations (only if you submit your response on time, on the date you chose)
  • PLEASE NOTE - these are NOT included in the prep packages

Free resources



Exam day is 13 November. You have just about a month and a half to prepare. This is truly a enough time, especially compared with your fellow EPSO Statisticians candidates.

Prep packages

  1. Nuclear safeguards inspectors
  2. Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy

These packages include everything you need to practice regularly until exam day:

  • Verbal reasoning 
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Abstract reasoning
  • Field-related MCQs

Training sessions and webinars

These are vital additional to your preparation plan. They will give you a good base to begin practising the actual exam on the platform. Once you have the methodology down, you will see your speed and score increase each time you practice.

Free resources



What a lovely Christmas gift from EPSO! Your exam is scheduled for 18 December, so you can relax and take it easy over the holidays. But don't waste this gift. Start practising now! Be fully prepared and confident, and leave no room for failure.

Prep packages

These packages contain all the elements to build a successful candidate.

Start practising a minimum of half an hour a day, or one hour every other day. Focus on your weaknesses now, but make sure your strengths stay levelled up.

Increase your speed and score

Create a solid base by learning the methodology behind the EPSO CBT and improve your verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning skills:

Free resources



This is one of the most unfortunate exam dates that EPSO has published. You will have to study through the holidays. But this can also be a blessing in disguise. You may have more time to study in the quiet days between holidays. But if you start practising now, you won't have to use up all your free time during the holidays to study...

Prep packages

  1. Crisis management 
  2. Migration and internal security

These discount prep packages contain everything you need to succeed on the EPSO exam:

  • Verbal reasoning 
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Abstract reasoning
  • Field-related MCQs

Training sessions and webinars

These resources are an essential component of your preparation strategy. They provide a solid foundation for you to begin simulation the EPSO exam on the EU Training platform. Once you have a firm grasp of the methodology, you'll notice a steady improvement in both your speed and scores.

Free resources



It's been a long wait, and you finally have a date. There's time to celebrate after the exams, because you better start preparing! 

Prep packages

  1. Microeconomics/macroeconomics 
  2. Financial Economics
  3. Industrial Economics

The above packages include practice questions for the reasoning skills tests and for the field-related MCQ. 

Boost your prep

To truly benefit from simulating the EPSO exam with the practice questions found in the packages above, you need to master the methodology. Doing so will help lay a solid foundation for your further prep work, and will help you improve your speed and scores quicker.

Free resources


AST3 EC Internal Competition EPSO/AD/402/23

The Oral Test will commence on 7 October, according to our sources. There's no time to waste. We have our experts on hand, ready to guide you through the components of this test, build your confidence and turn your weaknesses into strengths. Here's how!

Training sessions

These have been filling up fast since the test dates were announced. Secure your spot at an online Interview or Oral Presentation simulation, or if you prefer there are half-day in-person sessions available too.

Boost your prep

Free resources



In the last week of September EPSO announced that two more open competitions will be released before the end of this year. There are also rumours flying around about the AD5 Generalist competition being launched finally in the summer of 2025. But let's stick with concrete facts, here are the two competitions:

Scientific research administrators

  • Applications open on 5 November 2024
  • Grade AD7
  • This competition will have ten profiles: 
    • Environmental and climate sciences, engineering, and economics
    • Energy science and sustainability
    • ICT and (cyber)security
    • Data analysis, research, and applications for evidence-based decision-making
    • Research and applications in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and complex systems
    • Space applications and geo-information technologies
    • Health and consumer protection
    • Transport science and sustainable mobility
    • Social, economic, and political sciences
    • Behavioural science, economics, and education


  • Applications open on 3 December 2024
  • Grade AD5
  • Translators for the following languages will be sought:
    • (DK) Danish
    • (EL) Greek
    • (EN) English
    • (ES) Spanish
    • (FR) French
    • (IT) Italian
    • (MT) Maltese
    • (NL) Dutch


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