EPSO Update Nov 2023: Retesting postponed (again)

EU Training

EPSO announced that the retesting for Economists will be postponed indefinitely.

Article updated on 17 November 2023 with EPSO's newest announcement of testing postponed for the EPSO/AD/403/23 competition.

EPSO postpones retesting again

EPSO announced on 8 Nov 2023 that, with the Selection Board's agreement, the planned retesting date for the Economists competition candidates will be postponed to an unknown date. This comes a bit last minute considering the retesting date was set for 13 November 2023, with many candidates preparing for the retesting date.

Although this is very disappointing news for many, it does not come as surprise considering there has been no solution for the outsourced testing platform issues yet.

UPDATE: As many suspected would happen after the initial announcement about the Economists retesting, EPSO announced on 17 November 2023 that the Crisis management & Migration and Internal Security competitions will also have their retesting postponed, after EPSO held discussions with the Selection Board for this competition.

For now, these are the profiles that have had their retesting dates postponed, with no new test date set:

  • Microeconomics/macroeconomics | EPSO/AD/402/23 - 1
  • Financial economics | EPSO/AD/402/23 - 2
  • Industrial economics | EPSO/AD/402/23 - 3
  • Crisis Management | EPSO/AD/403/23 - 1
  • Migration and Internal security | EPSO/AD/403/23 - 2

EPSO pushes the pause button

This newest postponement comes in the wake of EPSO announcing all testing will be halted and no more competitions will be released until a solution is found for the myriad of issues related to the outsourced testing platform. Here are the related articles about this for further reading:

At the time of writing, the last round of CAST exams seems to be going ahead as planned.