Commission Accused Of Cherry Picking Job Applicants - EUobserver

EU Training

Recently we published an article on the European Commission’s controversial new pilot recruitment program known as the ‘Junior Professionals Programme’ (JPP). Since then a leading European news outlet, EUobserver has investigated further about this hotly debated initiative.

The preferential treatment and short-cut to getting an EU job that JPP extends to a select few candidates is why EU trade unions are up in arms. They say that the programme is inequitable and  "opens the door wide to favouritism and nepotism".

Laszlo Zlatarov, EU Training’s co-founder was quoted in the  EUobserver piece to give his take on the JPP: "The JPP process opens up the possibility for those in influential positions to put forward preferred people, giving them a fast-track, easy path to an EU career”.

While it is unclear how this will play out, it is important to speak up and push to uphold the basic principles of giving everyone the opportunity for a fair go.

Read the EUobserver article here: Commission Accused Of Cherry Picking Job Applicants