Welcoming Luc Gillis to EU Training

Rita Revy's picture
Rita Revy

Learn all about the newest member of the EU Training team: Luc Gillis. His wealth of knowledge and expertise will be a welcome addition for our team and EPSO candidates alike.

We are thrilled to announce that Luc Gillis has joined the EU Training team, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise from his extensive career within the European Union, and more specifically, EPSO.

As a first event, Luc will be presenting alongside András Baneth at the free Ask Me Anything webcast on Wednesday, 22 May (follow the link to register) Ahead of the webcast, we thought it would be great to get to know him a little better.

Luc began his journey as an EU official in 1993, although, as you'll see below, his EU career started much earlier. He initially worked with applicants navigating the complexities of EU selection procedures. His career progressed as he became a crucial member of EPSO's legal sector, with a particular focus on the 'Request for Review' process. He then served as an advisor to EPSO's Selection Boards, helping to formulate effective admission and talent screener criteria. In addition, he chaired Contract Staff selections and contributed significantly to the development of Notices of Competitions.

With his diverse background and in-depth understanding of EU processes, Luc is set to contribute extensively to the EU Training community. In the following Q&A, Luc shared a few insights from his career and his vision for supporting future EU candidates with the EU Training team.

When did you start your EU Career, which position and institution did you start in?

  • I started in 1978 as a switchboard operator with the European Commission.

What did you love about your EU Career?

  • The richness of the international and multicultural environment. Colleagues from around the EU and the globe coming up with ideas, insights, creative solutions and above all, belonging to the EU-family improving the lives of 450,000,000 citizens, all these awarding me with the highest degree of pride.

When did you begin to work with EPSO and in what capacity?

  • I joined EPSO in 2002, and in succession, I was the team leader of Info-Recruitment then I moved on to EPSO's legal sector, and during the last 5 years of my career I was an advisor to EPSO Selection Boards.

What are you looking forward to now in your 'second career' at EU Training?

  • I am very grateful to continue to work in an international environment, but above all the possibility offered by EU Training to advise and coach candidates, so they can make it to the reserve list and look forward to a bright career.

What would you tell future candidates, why is it worth applying to EPSO competitions?

  • The almost inexhaustible number of working areas available in the EU and worldwide, the training opportunities, the career possibilities, the personal development, the impact on policies having a direct global effect, and of course a rewarding salary.


Ask Me Anything | EU Exams | 2024 (free)

Make sure to sign up so you can ask your questions directly from Luc!

When? Wednesday, 22 May 2024 at 12:30 PM (Brussels time zone / CEST)

Get full details and register for this live webcast on the link above.