This free webcast recording covers the most important details from EPSO's Notice of Competition for the 2023 AD7 Nuclear inspectors and policy officers exams. Watch the webcast recording to get all the details about this EPSO competition:
- the application process
- where you'll work and what you'll do
- find out if you're eligible
- which tests you'll be taking
- resources for the field-related MCQ
- and much more!
- Presentation slides
- Transcript - coming soon!
You can apply here, applications are due 21 November 2023:
2024 UPDATE: EPSO is reopening applications from 22 March 2024
Get helpful hints and advice from other candidates by joining the Nuclear Inspectors EPSO Exams Facebook group.
- Practice test CBT / MCQ questions and packages for:
- Browse available online training sessions here (for EPSO Computer-Based Tests)
- EPSO Case Study Insights webinar
- Notice of Competition - source of official information for this EPSO competition
- Contact EPSO directly - with questions about eligibility, supporting documents, etc.
- EASI - Experience Assessment Survey Instrument - check your eligibility for this competition
Hello, and good afternoon everyone. I would like to welcome you to today's webinar on the Nuclear Inspectors and Policy Officers selection to be carried out by EPSO.
My name is Andras Korizs and I will be your presenter today. I am one of the senior EPSO coaches at EU Training. I have been working with EU Training for more than seven years but besides this, I have in total more than ten years of experience in teaching and coaching. I also have some success stories regarding the EPSO selection process.
About EU Training and how we help and support the preparation of our students: EU Training is not just a preparation company, it is also a community.
We have over 150,000 registered users on our website, more than 58,000 followers on Facebook and more than 1,600 followers on LinkedIn. We have worked together with a huge number of applicants over the years and we do our best to support them in their preparation journey.
On our website we have a lot of resources that can help with your preparation. We have a question database that includes over 35,000 questions and is specialised to all the different types of selection items. Just to put that into perspective, our question database has been used over 17 million times.
We also have on our website multiple recorded webinars which comprise over 150 hours of material. Over the years, more than 12,000 people have participated in or listened to those.
Let's look at the five steps you'll have to go through when you apply to this competition. I'm going to give you some insights into the application process, how the testing takes place, the supporting documents that you'll need to gather and submit as part of your application, as well as the eligibility checks and criteria that this selection requires. Last but not least, I will talk about the final phase of the selection process, getting on the reserve list.
There is one topic here I'd like to point out, as we get a lot of questions due to the recent events surrounding EPSO, and that is when the testing will take place. Unfortunately, we are not certain of that yet, as we await the official communication from EPSO. Please bear in mind that everything is on hold at the moment, so keep a close watch on any communication coming from EPSO, which we will immediately put up on our website. But every selection that has not taken place yet has been put on hold.
If you are part of any of the selections that have taken place in the past few weeks and you experienced technical difficulties, you can expect to resit those in the coming two months.
The first important thing you need to know about this competition is that it includes two sub-profiles. These are Nuclear safeguards inspectors EPSO/AD/411/23-1 (indicated by the number 1) and Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy EPSO/AD/411/23-2 (indicated by the number 2).
The number of places available on the reserve list for the first profile is 130 while for the second the number is 68.
The majority of roles are going to be in Luxembourg. However, you might end up being employed in other cities where the Joint Research Centre has representation.
What will you do?
For the nuclear safeguard inspectors, the core nature of duties will be related to carrying out nuclear safeguard inspections, as well as research and project management.
Policy officers will mostly be involved with legislative, administrative, scientific, advisory and supervisory activities.
This is just a brief outline of your prospective duties. If you consult the notice of competition, you will get a much more detailed overview of the kind of duties you will need to carry out.
I'd also like to highlight the importance of the notice of competition as a document, not just for this competition but overall for any of the competitions. The notice of competition serves as the best source in providing you with information for selection: what kind of profiles there are, what the different steps of the selection procedure are, how the different elements are scored (whether there is just a pass mark or whether you need to be among the highest scoring candidates) and so forth. I usually strongly recommend my students consult this document before they apply to a competition because it's not just that it can shape how you fill out your application, it can also shape how you prepare for the exam.
Please consult Annex II in the Notice of Competition for a broader description of what you will do.
Let's look at a few examples of duties for both profiles.
Nuclear safeguards inspectors
- Participate in the design and delivery of nuclear safeguards training initiatives.
- Implement the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCAs) with third parties.
- Perform data analysis and statistical analysis on nuclear material accountancy.
Policy officers in the area of nuclear energy
- Represent Euraton in international organizations in nuclear energy, developing and steering projects and participating in their governance.
- Conducting analysis and initiating and steering studies related to nuclear energy and nuclear safety matters.
- Managing the legal, procurement and licensing dimensions of nuclear decommissioning and waste management contracts.
The general requirements are the same as past selection competitions but there is a new and complex idea related to your academic background and professional experience.
You must be aware that eligibility checks will be done related to this. If you are not certain if you are appropriate for the role, it may not be worth going through with the application (for example, if you don't have the necessary number of years of work experience that is specified in the requirements).
You should:
- have EU citizenship.
- have fulfilled any required military service (or have received an exemption).
- meet the character requirements (i.e., not having a criminal record).
You will need to know at least two EU languages. The choice is important as it will determine in which languages you sit certain selection tests.
Quite often I am asked how to choose the languages when it comes to the selection tests, particularly regarding verbal reasoning. My recommendation, regarding any selection procedure, is to check which language is being used for the different selection items. Once you know which language will be used and where, you can assess the weight of the two languages (or three if it is a linguistic profile). It is quite common for language 1 to be used for the computer-based tests (verbal, abstract and numerical reasoning) and typically language 2 is used for the rest of the selection.
Another question I am often asked is, does it matter which language you take for the verbal reasoning test? Are there differences in the quality of the translations between the different languages? I recommend that you review the methodology of the verbal reasoning tests. In my experience with many students, there are usually gaps in their knowledge here and that is the main cause for poor performance.
Language 2 is usually used on a broader scale for more complex or technical elements. Hence, I usually recommend first choosing language 2 and then language 1. However, in this case (the policy officers) there is nothing much to think about. This is more relevant for the first profile.
But now onto the requirements for this particular competition:
Language 1
For both profiles, the candidate must have at least a C1 level of one of the 24 official EU languages.
Language 2
Profile 1: candidates must have at least a B2 level of English or French.
Profile 2: candidates must have a minimum of B2 level in English.
Please note the difference in requirements here for each profile concerning language 2.
Also please note that Language 1 and 2 must be different.
This is quite complex compared to previous competitions. So, please take extra care. If you have any doubts, go back and refer to the notice of competition. Let’s look at each profile in turn.
Nuclear safeguard inspectors | Degree and work experience requirements
A three-year university degree in the fields specified in the notice of competition plus at least 7 years of relevant professional experience.
A four-year university degree in the fields specified in the notice of competition plus a minimum of 6 years of relevant professional experience.
A PhD, doctorate or equivalent degree in the fields specified in the notice of competition plus at least 2 years of relevant professional experience.
If you have a three-year degree in a field that is NOT listed in the notice of competition, you can still apply if you have at least 9 years of relevant professional experience.
Policy officers | Degree and work experience requirements
A three-year university degree in the fields specified in the notice of competition plus at least 7 years of relevant professional experience.
A four-year university degree in the fields specified in the notice of competition plus a minimum of 6 years of relevant professional experience.
A PhD, doctorate or equivalent degree in the fields specified in the notice of competition plus at least 2 years of relevant professional experience.
Professional experience is considered relevant if:
a. it was acquired in one or more of the areas listed in the Notice of Competition.
b. it must be related to one or more of the activities listed in the Notice of Competition.
Please also note that EPSO has a tool available (called EASI) on their website with which you can test your eligibility. It’s an online platform where they will ask you multiple questions. The answers you supply will tell you whether you are eligible to apply or not.
These institutions provide great benefits. The two most important elements to mention here include comprehensive health insurance and pension plans as well as the availability of highly respected European schools for your children.
The other important feature is the salary. We have a tool on our website where you can calculate an estimated salary associated with these roles based on your particular situation. For example, your salary grade, where you are based, whether you have children or not etc.
We’ve done an example projection and the rough estimate (for a scenario with children) led to a monthly net salary of 8 000 euros. Please note that this is only an estimation!
There is an application phase as well as three groups of tests that you will need to sit: computer-based tests, a field-related multiple choice test and a written case study exam.
According to our current information, these will all take place on the same day and be remotely proctored. However, considering the recent technical problems EPSO and candidates have experienced in the last two months, there may be changes here so please keep your eye on our website. EPSO may employ different ways of testing going forward, but we have no information on that at the moment.
First off, we have the application process. You can submit your application online in any of the official 24 languages of the EU by the deadline. Related to that, you will need to upload supporting documents to your EPSO account, but you can do that at a later date.
Please be aware that as competitions are on hold, there is a possibility that the deadlines could change. In any case, please make sure you apply and submit before the stated deadlines or else you will not be able to participate in the competition.
The application deadline is 21 November 2023 at 12:00 noon / Brussels time.
The new application deadline is 23 April 2024 at noon, Brussels time.
Uploading of documents is 10 January 2023.
JUNE 2024 UPDATE: The new deadline for submitting supporting documents is 29 November 2024 at noon, Brussels time.
What are the tests?
These measure your reasoning skills and will be conducted in your language 1.
Verbal reasoning: 20 questions in 35 minutes. You will be given a text passage to read and you need to deduce the correct answer from four possible options (from four statements).
We have multiple resources where we teach our students how to tackle the methodology of this part of the test so please do check those out on our website as we have great resources. The major point here is (as you are not allowed to use external information) that you need to be able to deal with generalizations, learn how to assess if something is factual and identify the correct statement from a choice of four.
Numerical reasoning: Here you will need to answer 10 questions in 20 minutes. The main point here is to do data interpretation using the data you are provided with. You will be required to identify what numerical reasoning concepts are being used and then apply those within the question. The concept of estimation will help you here in making educated guesses and in cross-checking your answers.
Just to note, you will need to use the online calculator provided during the proctored exam. So, you need to be aware of the methods that can help you cut down the amount of time you spend using the calculator.
Abstract reasoning: Here you will be given five pictures and based on the patterns recognized in the pictures, you need to select from five options the one that is the most logical to follow in the sequence. This is the most time-demanding test as you will have 10 questions in 10 minutes. Skills such as time management here are very important as this could significantly impact your results.
The recent change here is that there is a pass/fail result meaning you do not receive a mark as such, nor does the result count towards your final score. You are only expected to pass this stage of the selection process.
Bear in mind, however, that in other competitions there was a minimum score attached. So always consult the notice of competition as scoring might change from competition to competition.
For the verbal reasoning part, you need to attain at least 10 points out of 20 to pass. For both the numerical reasoning and abstract reasoning parts, where you have a total of 20 questions, you will need a pass mark of 10.
In other words, the numerical and abstract reasoning marks are combined. This could be helpful if you are stronger in one of these areas over the other. I’d like to point out that going into any of the competitions where you don’t have a lot of time to prepare, you might only have time to focus on your weaker skill area.
Please note that only candidates who have a pass mark on the CBT tests will have their field-related MCQ processed.
This is a field-related multiple-choice quiz comprising 30 questions that you need to answer in 40 minutes. You will need to obtain 15 marks to pass.
Please note, however, that the results of this part of the test are ranked. Therefore, although you might pass, you will need to score among the highest ranking candidates in order to progress to the next stage.
Only those who make it to the next stage based on the rankings will have their case study evaluated.
This is conducted in language 2.
If you are among the highest scoring candidates, you will have your case study evaluated and your application will be checked for eligibility.
This will most probably take 45 minutes and you will need to obtain a pass mark of at least 5 out of 10. The language is not specified as yet, but there is a good chance it will be in language 2.
The aim of the case study is to assess your written communication skills. As the final step of the selection process, it is the point where they decide which applicants will be put on the reserve list.
Please note that they usually do not give results on the spot.
But there is a possibility to file any complaints regarding problems you found in the exam (e.g. regarding ambiguous phrasing or mistakes you think were made in the exam paper). These complaints will be reviewed and if given credence, the scoring can be changed for all candidates affected.
Happening in parallel with the case study evaluations is the eligibility check. This is where they will check your qualifications and professional experience.
Please note this will only be done if you received a pass mark in the field-related MCQ test and if you rank among the highest candidates. You also need to have a pass mark in the CBT tests.
Here they check that there is an alignment between your declarations and your documents. So, please do be careful that you have the necessary supporting documents regarding what you state in your application because it will be closely checked.
Once you have passed the eligibility check, you will be placed on the reserve list and will receive a notification in your EPSO account. It is at this point that the recruitment services or institutions can contact you regarding employment or when you can apply to certain roles.
Please note that even if you are on the reserve list, getting employed might still involve further assessment in terms of interviews etc. We do not have concrete information regarding this but be aware that this may be the case. But the good news is that you are now in a small select group of people who are able to apply to EU jobs for permanent officials.
How to pass all of these tests and make it to the reserve list?
The guidance I usually give my students who are starting from scratch is to practice for 10-12 weeks, one hour per day or 10 hours per week. Undergo an assessment to see where you stand regarding the computer-based tests to define where you need improvement.
If there is more than one element where you need to improve, separate out your preparation (especially if you have 10-12 weeks) so you can spend the first couple of weeks on one area (numerical, for example) before moving onto another (abstract, for example). Parallel training can become confusing and take away your attention and focus.
Instead of starting off by immediately doing sample problems, I would strongly recommend first reviewing the methodology behind all three areas (classroom training sessions). Also, review related legislation for the MCQ as well as the methodology for the case study.
The idea behind this related to the numerical test (which is one of my areas of expertise) is that often students find they are looking at sample questions and they don’t know where to start in solving the problem. They are not aware of the tools available..
Another feature to success is to stay persistent. The students who continuously prepare and practice are the ones who one by one make it through the computer-based tests. Do lots of simulations!
How can we support you in your preparation?
We have resources such as webinars and databases on our website. Our question databases do not only focus on abstract, numerical and verbal questions, but also on field-related MCQ questions. We also have questions related to Nuclear safeguard inspectors and policy officers.
As for packages available for this competition, we have verbal reasoning practice tests available in all 24 languages. The numerical tests are also available in several languages. We also have abstract reasoning, field-related MCQ and case study test evaluations available. We are really able to support your preparation in all the different elements required.
As for our webinars, you can listen for free to our beginner’s guide to the computer-based tests and besides that we have webinars giving pro-tips for all these areas.
There are also live classes available. Next week, for example, I’ll be hosting a live session focussing on the methodology behind the verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning tests. These are two-hour long evening sessions.
As for preparing for this particular competition, I suggest you consult the notice of competition to get an idea of which areas of legislation might be covered.
There are also other free resources to help in your preparation such as the articles published on EPSO news and tips and tricks. We also have a lot of information up on our website such as the vacancies search page and salary calculator, regular live question and answer sessions as well as ebooks.
We also have physical books available that are very well-known in Brussels. These guide you through, in detail, the different selection processes.
Please do join the community - the Facebook group, as there are usually excellent ideas and exchanges happening regarding the competitions and you can also get updated information there.
If you have any other questions related to today’s subject. We are still waiting on communication from EPSO regarding the current pause on exams.
They certainly do not want to repeat the negative experiences they went through during the previous exams and want to provide candidates with a functioning and sustainable system. Once these issues are resolved, that’s when they will hopefully communicate the new dates.
I’d like to finish up with some questions from the chatbox.
Q: If person applies, successfully completes the selection procedure, passes all the tests, but does NOT have the required professional experience, then they will not make the reserve list?
A: Correct, you can apply and take all the tests even if you don’t have the relevant experience, you will simply not make it through the eligibility checks to the reserve list.
Q: Concerning the numerical reasoning tests, will it be possible to use the keyboard rather than the calculator or will it only be possible to use the mouse?
A: You can insert numbers through the keyboard, which is something I always recommend doing. Use the numerical pad on your keyboard.
Q: Can you tell us when we need to submit supporting documents?
A: The deadline to submit supporting documents for this competition is 10 January 2024, although the application deadline is 21 November 2023.
Q: What can you do if the company you worked for no longer exists?
A: That is an issue we are aware of. Payslips or former contracts you had with them might be sufficient. That is my personal opinion. (Always contact EPSO directly to ask, though)
If you have any other questions, feedback about our products or are looking for resources, then please contact us. We’re here to help.