FRONTEX MCQ Fri, 02/28/2020 - 00:51


I would like to prepare for the upcoming computer tests for the Frontex Projects and Activities Support Officers call.

Unfortunately, I couldnt find any questions for the language comprehension test and the SJT for AST (only AD).

Could you please help me out here?




David @ EU Training Fri, 02/28/2020 - 11:55


The language comprehesnion tests are available under this link. We do not offer any AST SJTs at the moment.

Best regards, David

Hi David,

hopeneverdies Sun, 11/22/2020 - 12:01

Hi David,

certain competitions (including the specialist one on european law) do have, apart the verbal reasoning an extra linguistic comprehension test for both language 1 and 2. Any clue to what these tests resembles to?

Hi to everyone, hope you are

Yiannis Georgiadis Sat, 10/31/2020 - 09:59

Hi to everyone, hope you are all in good health!

Does anyone have a clue (or know) when about the publication of eligibility results is going to take place?

This is the 4th or 5th time that the time schedules are not met (moved back), and considering the fact that the only thing required is putting the 300 highest scores in a descending order, this seems very awkward, even bearing in mind the covid problems or the EPSO working times.