Online Training Sessions

Focused heavily on the practical side of the EPSO exams, EU Training’s online training sessions are designed to enhance a candidate’s confidence by simulating EPSO test conditions before the real thing through personalised feedback from our experts and interactive, collaborative learning.

For full Terms and Conditions click here.

Classroom Training Information
Places left
Application Closes
Platform ClickmeetingTime zone Europe/Brussels
18 Feb 202517:30 - 19:30Europe/Brussels
papailac_169567's picture

18 Feb



Need a confidence boost for your upcoming EPSO Numerical Reasoning Test? 

EU Training’s virtual workshops are designed to help calm nerves and build candidates’ confidence by simulating EPSO test conditions before the real thing.

This two hour interactive workshop will focus exclusively on the EPSO Numerical Reasoning Test and offers the opportunity to ask questions throughout from our highly experienced instructor. 

During this workshop, we will dive into the methodology of this test, offer valuable tips and tricks, and then apply this knowledge via practical simulation. 

PLEASE NOTE: The event will only take place if we have at least 8 participants 2 days before the date of the event.

This training session will be held online through your EU Training account, details will be sent on confirmation. 

What's included?

  • Computer-based test training for CAST competitions and EPSO competitions focused on the Numerical Reasoning test
  • 2 hours of EPSO Numerical Reasoning Test preparation
  • A live Numerical Reasoning test simulation
  • Presented by our resident reasoning skills expert
  • Interactive session with Q&A throughout
  • EPSO test methodology and preparation
  • The full recording of the session for two weeks

What is the schedule? (timing and planning is indicative)

  • 17:30 – 18:30     Numerical Reasoning Test Methodology & Tips + Q&A
  • 18:30 – 19:30     Online Numerical Reasoning Test Simulation + evaluation of answers + Q&A

How can I apply?

  • Click on the 'Apply' button to the right and proceed to checkout for payment.
  • We will send notification emails with detailed instructions before the event.

Who should attend?

  • CAST candidates, EPSO candidates or anyone taking part in a selection process where it is required to take the Computer-Based Tests (CBT or MCQs).

Who is the trainer?

László PÁPAI

  • Over 20 years of teaching and training experience
  • MA in foreign language learning
  • BSc in economics
  • 12 years of international sales and marketing experience in various fields

What do past participants say?

"Explanations are clear and exercises are interesting. Very reassuring!"

- 4 June 2024, participant requested to stay anonymous

Platform ClickmeetingTime zone Europe/Brussels
19 Feb 202517:30 - 19:30Europe/Brussels
papailac_169567's picture

19 Feb



Verbal Reasoning goes beyond language comprehension...

What many candidates don't realise is the EPSO Verbal Reasoning test goes beyond language comprehension. You need to train for it just as much as the other two reasoning skills because it involves a specific testing methodology applicable across languages. It is crucial to learn these methods and tricks to gain an edge and ensure success!

Uncover the secrets to success in the  Verbal Reasoning test with this immersive training session. You will delve into effective methodologies, and be provided invaluable tips. Our expert trainer will answer all your questions and help reinforce your skills through a hands-on EPSO test simulation. Don't leave your preparation to chance – join this workshop to confidently conquer the Verbal Reasoning test.

PLEASE NOTE: The event will only take place if we have at least 8 participants 2 days before the date of the event.

This training session will be held online through your EU Training account, details will be sent on confirmation. 

What's included?

  • Computer-based test training for CAST competitions and EPSO competitions focused on the Verbal Reasoning test
  • 2 hours of EPSO verbal reasoning methodology and test preparation
  • A live verbal reasoning test simulation simulating the actual EPSO test
  • Presented by our resident reasoning skills expert
  • Interactive session with Q&A throughout
  • The full recording of the session for two weeks

What is the schedule? (timing and planning is indicative)

  • 17:30 – 18:30     Verbal Reasoning Test Methodology & Tips + Q&A
  • 18:30 – 19:30     Online Verbal Reasoning Test Simulation + evaluation of answers + Q&A

How can I apply?

  • Click on the 'Apply' button to the right and proceed to checkout for payment.
  • We will send notification emails with detailed instructions before the event.

Who should attend?

  • CAST candidates, EPSO candidates, or anyone required to take the reasoning skills Computer-Based Tests (CBT or MCQs)

Who is the trainer?

László PÁPAI

  • Over 20 years of teaching and training experience
  • MA in foreign language learning
  • BSc in economics
  • 12 years of international sales and marketing experience in various fields

What do past participants say?

"The examples helped me understand the necessary approach."

7 July 2024, Daniela, Romania


Platform ZoomTime zone Europe/Brussels
20 Feb 202512:30 - 14:30Europe/Brussels
malenebresson_147573's picture

20 Feb



Getting ready for the European Commission's Internal Competition Oral Test?

This session is heavily focused on and simulates the Oral Presentation component of the upcoming European Commision's Internal Competitions’ Oral Test. Our highly experienced instructor will explain the underpinning principles of the Oral Presentation and share hands-on tips and tricks to optimise your performance during the actual test.

While becoming better at presenting takes a lot of practice, this course will provide practical ideas to make your oral presentation more memorable by applying a few simple techniques. Apart from tips on improving the content of the presentation or interview skills best practices, you will have a chance to present as well and listen to presentations by the other participants.

Please note: This training session does NOT cover the Interview component of the Oral Test. There are separate training sessions for the Interview part.

This training session will be conducted in English only.

IMPORTANT: The class will only take place if there are at least 4 participants 2 days before the date of the event. Maximum number is 6.

What's included?

  • Preparation focused on the Oral Presentation
  • Practical tips on how to strategically prepare for the Oral Presentation
  • Interactive Oral Presentation simulation with debrief and feedback.
  • You will be asked to prepare a short presentation (topics will be announced at the session, no prerequisites needed) and have a go in the 'hot seat' once
  • 10 minutes preparation time 
  • 15 minutes presentation + feedback
  • A recording of your presentation
  • Session hosted by one of our EPSO experts
  • Limited to a small group of six participants for maximum interaction
  • Tailored to collective learning and group feedback.

How can I apply?

  • Click on the 'Apply' button to the right and proceed to checkout for payment
  • The online training session will take place with Zoom, you will receive the link to the session on the day, one hour before the start time.
  • We will send notification emails with detailed instructions on how to join 


  • Email notifications will be sent to the email connected with the EU Training account you use to register for this training session. 
  • Check your spam folder  if you do not receive an 'Registration' email after registering for the session.

Who should attend?

  • Candidates participating in the European Commission’s Internal Competitions.

Who is the trainer?

  • Ms. Malene Bresson, EU Training Assessment Centre Coach
  • 20+ years experience in HR law and communication.
  • 10+ years of leadership and management experience in the public/private sector
  • Trained Life and Business Coach

What do past participants say?

"The trainer gave very clear instructions, nice tips and valuable feedback." (participant from 25 October 2024, Oral Presentation)

Platform ClickmeetingTime zone Europe/Brussels
20 Feb 202517:30 - 19:30Europe/Brussels
papailac_169567's picture

20 Feb



Need a confidence boost for your upcoming EPSO Abstract Reasoning Test? 

EU Training’s virtual workshops are designed to help calm nerves and build candidates’ confidence by simulating EPSO test conditions before the real thing.

This two hour interactive workshop will focus exclusively on the EPSO Abstract Reasoning Test and offers the opportunity to ask questions throughout from our highly experienced instructor. 

During this workshop, we will dive into the methodology of this test, offer valuable tips and tricks, and then apply this knowledge via practical simulation. 

PLEASE NOTE: The event will only take place if we have at least 8 participants 2 days before the date of the event.

What's included?

  • Computer-based test training for CAST competitions and EPSO competitions focused on the Abstract Reasoning test
  • 2 hours of EPSO Abstract Reasoning Test preparation
  • A live abstract reasoning test simulation
  • Presented by our resident reasoning skills expert
  • Interactive session with Q&A throughout
  • EPSO test methodology and preparation
  • The full recording of the session for two weeks

What is the schedule? (timing and planning is indicative)

  • 17:30 – 18:30     Abstract Reasoning Test Methodology & Tips + Q&A
  • 18:30 – 19:30     Online Abstract Reasoning Test Simulation + evaluation of answers + Q&A

How can I apply?

  • Click on the 'Apply' button to the right and proceed to checkout for payment.
  • We will send notification emails with detailed instructions before the event.

Who should attend?

  • CAST candidates, EPSO candidates or anyone preparing for any type of competition where it is required to take the reasoning skills tests or Computer-Based Tests (CBT or MCQs).

Who is the trainer?

László PÁPAI

  • Over 20 years of teaching and training experience
  • MA in foreign language learning
  • BSc in economics
  • 12 years of international sales and marketing experience in various fields

What do past participants say?

"Very clear explanations, good way to review the main building blocks of abstract reasoning."

- 5 September 2024, anonymous participant

Platform ZoomTime zone Europe/Brussels
21 Feb 202512:30 - 14:30Europe/Brussels
ticiana.tucci_138280's picture

21 Feb



Getting ready for your European Commission's Internal Competition Oral Test?

For candidates who will have an Oral Test phase in their Internal Competition, this session focuses on preparing for the Interview component (does not focus on the Oral Presentation).

Taking an interactive approach, the aim is to help build confidence by simulating test conditions. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the interview with one of our experts. The valuable strategic tips provided will build awareness of where participants stand in their preparation progress.

Please note: This training session does NOT cover the Oral Presentation component of the Oral Test. There are separate training sessions for the Oral Presentation.

This training session will be conducted in English only.

IMPORTANT: The class will only take place if there are at least 4 participants 2 days before the date of the event. Maximum number is 6.

What's included?

  • Preparation focused on the Interview
  • Practical tips on how to strategically prepare for the Interview (Motivation, Field-Related & General Competencies mentioned in the Annex I)
  • Interactive Interview simulation with debrief and feedback.
  • Each participant will be asked to answer a number of 'likely' interview questions and have a go in the 'hot seat' at least once
  • Recording of each participant's answers to interview questions, for personal use only
  • Session hosted by one of our EPSO experts
  • Limited to a small group of six to seven participants for maximum interaction
  • Tailored to collective learning and group feedback.

How can I apply?

  • Click on the 'Apply' button to the right and proceed to checkout for payment
  • Online sessions will take place using the Zoom platform.
  • The zoom link to the live training session will be sent one hour before the start time
  • Notification emails with full details and requirements will be sent once the session is confirmed.


  • Email notifications will be sent to the email connected with the EU Training account you use to register for this training session. 
  • Check your spam folder  if you do not receive an 'Registration' email after registering for the session.

Who should attend?

  • Candidates from all levels and fields participating in the European Commission's Internal Competitions.

Who is the trainer?

  • Ms. Ticiana Tucci, EU Training Assessment Centre Coach
  • A trained Psychologist, with over 20 years of experience in HR recruitment and selection, as well as, training and development.
  • Extensive experience as a certified career and executive coach.
  • Has led numerous Assessment Centres for large international corporations as a HR consultant.

What do past participants say?

"Ticiana is clear and to the point, gave valuable tips and explanations." (participant from 14 March 2024)

CAN'T FIND WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR? New workshops are added regularly - check back soon!


  • Only full payment of the participation fee will secure a place at the workshop.
  • Once you pay you will receive a payment and registration confirmation, but the workshop may not be confirmed yet.
  • A workshop is only confirmed once minimum numbers are reached and a confirmation email is sent.
  • Master The EPSO Computer-Based Tests | Reasoning skills workshops:
    • Maximum 30 participants 
    • Minimum 8 participants needed to confirm
  • Other online and in-person workshops (internal competitions Oral Test Simulation, EU Job Interview Simulation, etc):
    • Minimum and maximum numbers vary, see the specific workshop descriptions
  • If the number of registrations does not reach the minimum number the workshop will be cancelled.
  • You will receive an email notification about the cancellation. You will be offered the option of a refund, virtual euros or moving the registration to another date.
  • Cancellation policy
    • If you cancel up to 8 working days before the virtual training session's date: 100% refund
    • If you cancel  7-6 working days before the virtual training session's date: 50% refund
    • If you cancel in 5 or less working days before the virtual training session's date: no refund
  • EU Training reserves the right to cancel the event at any time. In this case EU Training will refund the participation fee in full.
  • Unlimited Revision
  • Practice / Exam mode
  • Realistic Simulations
  • 24 Hour Support

"It gave a good backgound for preparation and practice before the exam. The trainer delved into details and was very attentive to each of our questions."

Master the EPSO Computer-Based Tests | 11 March 2023 | Full-day | Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning

Nino from Italy

"Our trainer was relaxed and willing to answer all questions. She asked us at the beginning what we hoped to achieve in the session and she managed to meet all expectations in a short time frame."

EPSO Case Study workshop | 27 September 2023

Eimear from Northern Ireland

"The presentation was very well structured and gave the attendees enough space for questions. Malene was very clear and provided extended explanations for any question or doubt. EU Training is an excellent tool to prepare for EPSO competitions (and internal competitions)."

European Commission Internal Competition | Interview Simulation | 28 July 2023

Anna from Italy

I need some general information on the EPSO (EU Career) competitions.

Not sure how EPSO competitions work? Or what the difference is between and EPSO competition and CAST?

Check out the New To EU Exams section to get clarification on the EPSO selection procedures.

If you have specific questions or need free advice, please contact us directly any time!

What services do you offer on this website?

EU Training offers a huge variety of products and services to assist with your EPSO preparation.

Online EPSO exam practice

  • practice questions available for all types of EPSO competitions and CAST
  • simulates the real EPSO test-taking conditions

EPSO Case Study Simulations

  • simulates this EPSO test, including the strict time limits
  • Evaluation available (in English and French ONLY) - get direct feedback from an expert
  • 19 Case studies available in English
  • 5 case studies available in French
  • 1 case study each available in German, Spanish and Italian (no evaluation available for these).

EPSO Classroom Training Sessions

Our classes are held by professional trainers who are EPSO experts. Focused heavily on the practical side of the EPSO exams, these training sessions are designed to enhance a candidate’s confidence by simulating EPSO test conditions before the real thing. EU Training not only offers classes tailored to the various EPSO competitions but also provides EPSO Computer-Based Test training for CAST and all EPSO competitions.

Personal coaching sessions

We help EPSO candidates improve their performance on their exams through one-on-one personal coaching services. Reasoning Skills, EU Career Interviews (was EPSO Assessment Centre) and Middle Management coaching sessions are available via Skype or in-person in Brussels (face-to-face). Candidates will receive focused attention and tailored guidance from expert instructors to prepare for any stage of the EPSO selection process, and boost their EPSO exam performance. Application Assistance services are also offered when applying for a new EPSO competition.


EU Training holds many LIVE methodology webinar sessions hosted by EPSO experts and offers a vast library of webinar recordings to help you through every stage of the EPSO selection process, including:

  • the EPSO Computer-Based Tests
  • the EPSO Case Study
  • EPSO interviews
  • ... and even how to get an EU job once you're on the Reserve List.

Free EPSO Info Webcasts

When EPSO releases a new Notice of Competition we help break it down by highlighting the most important details:

  • the application process
  • eligibility requirements
  • best preparation methods for EPSO competitions.

This is a great way to get access to vital information to help you excel in your upcoming EPSO competition and achieve your EU career dreams. EU Training webcasts are always free and the recordings are available to view with or without an EU Training account.


We are constantly expanding our eBook collection to offer valuable reading materials that delve deep into key EPSO exams topics. Download all our eBooks for free.

E-learning materials

We keep you posted about the latest EPSO news and developments, and offer valuable advice with our Tips & Tricks articles to tackle tricky EPSO topics, so you can use these insights to your advantage the next time you take an EPSO exam.

EU Jobs

Looking for an EU Job? Scan through our comprehensive list of currently available EU agencies jobs. Also, have all the latest EU employment opportunities sent straight to your inbox by subscribing to our EU JOBS newsletter to get updates every two weeks on upcoming EPSO competitions and job vacancies at EU Institutions.

EU Training Customer Support Team

Last, but definitely not least, our Customer Support is here to help with any website or EPSO related queries - and beyond! Never hesitate to contact us!

We hope you will utilise our ever expanding services and find them usefel, even vital, in your EPSO exam preparation.

How can I register on the EU Training website? Where is the registration form?

You can register on our website for free via the following link.

Once you register you will have access to a vast library of FREE content, such as many of our Webinars and e-books, and you will also be able to make purchases.

What forms of payment are accepted? Is payment safe?

Regarding payment, the system will offer you online credit card payment (immediate access), payment via PayPal (immediate access) or Virtual Euro Account (immediate access).

Online credit card payment: (immediate access)

Accepted cards:  Mastercard, Visa (please note that Visa Electron card is not always supported).

Credit card payment is real-time, the transaction is secured by a 128-bit SSL coded system, verified by the most trusted seal, Verisign and provided by the two leading payment providers, PayPal and Realex Payments.

Virtual Euro Account: (immediate access)

Sometimes we offer customers virtual euros as a form of compensation, reward or as a special deal. If you have been allocated virtual euros by us you can use that amount to pay for your next purchase, or pay for a part of it (if you don't have enough virtual euros on your account) and pay for the rest via the other methods.

For further information, please check our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy or feel free to contact us anytime.

What happens if I get disconnected during an online Classroom Training session?

Write to Customer Support immediately - our agents are always on hand monitoring live events - and they will help solve the issue.


How many times can I use a question? And how many times can I revise a test?

Our questions have no expiration date, your question balance has no expiration date. You can compose new tests as long as you have new questions on your account, and you can revise previous tests without any time limitation.

We created a system that helps your EU exam preparation in the best possible way:

  • After you buy an exam preparation package, you can use these questions to create new tests in any composition and language you wish.
  • Once you launch a new test, the number of questions that you put in there will be deducted from your account and you can use each question once, similarly to a test book where you mark your answer options.
  • However, as a special gift to our customers, we created a system where you can re-take any of your previously composed tests as many times as you like (you can do this by finding the test you wish to re-take via the Practice Activity block of your Dashboard).
  • You can monitor your progress via the Statistics block as well.
  • After submitting or re-taking a test, you can revise all your previous tests in Review mode which includes an option to turn off the 'Explanation' feature to further improve the revision experience.
  • Moreover, revision is not limited in any way. You may revise previous tests and questions for an unlimited period and for an unlimited number of times.

How do I buy test questions in the language I want to practice in?

When buying question packages, you are buying a quota of questions from our database and not specific questions. This means that in the Start New Test block you can choose which language(s) you want to do your practice tests in. You do not pick this up at the time of purchase.

TIP: make sure you click on the little (i) in the table on the Products tab to see how many questions we have in a particular language per test so you don’t over-purchase.