What should I do if I cannot hear the presenter or see the presenation slides?

What should I do if I cannot hear the presenter or see the presenation slides?

If you have audio issues or you cannot see the content the presenter is sharing during an online training session or live webinar, always try the following first:

1. Check that your speakers are turned on and your headphones are properly connected.

2. Check that the sound on your device is not set to 'mute'. You can check this by going to YouTube and playing a video to see if there is sound.

3. Make sure all your audio out levels are set high. 

4. If, during the webinar, you stop hearing audio or the content does not change on screen for a prolonged period of time

  • Log out and log back in
  • Try a different browser

5. If you are not able to log back in or lose access to the live webinar or training session completely:

  • Write to Customer Support immediately - our agents are always on hand monitoring live events
  • If you end up missing the wthe session due to technical issues - no worries - with a few exceptions, you will be able to access the full recording on your Dashboard, where you accessed the live event.
  • There are some webcasts and training sessions that are not recorded.