
I am really confused as to what expect regarding the written test in the field for the specialist competition (Administrators in the field of space) scheduled on 19 june 2023.

The description of this specific test in the notice of competition and in EPSO website is extremely vague. It basically says that "A specific situation is provided in the form of a short written briefing, and candidates are asked to write about the ways to address this situation."

Since it is a "test in the field", I would be prepared to be asked questions related to the space sector, which is after all my area of expertise, but I have read elsewhere in this forum that these tests are not exactly made to test your specific knowledge of the specific field (which does not make much sense to be honest).

Can someone share their experience with previous "written tests in the field" for specialist competitions? How long does it last? Did you prepare by freshning up your knowledge in the corresponding field? Any tips?

Thank you for any advice that you may be able to share.


olivia.barcos Sun, 06/18/2023 - 09:11


I just found your comments and I have exactly the same feeling as you. The notice of competition specifies the competencies that the different tests will verify, except for the written test where no mention to competencies is made.  

Good luck tomorrow!

in ICT AD7 caser study topic

vsirma Fri, 06/30/2023 - 20:20

in ICT AD7 caser study topic of case wasn't related to ICT . Very generic text