Tests en roumain

codelna Tue, 05/24/2016 - 10:09

Pourriez-vous m'expliquer pourquoi les reposes aux tests en roumain sont données en anglais et non en roumain ?

Je pense que cette variante ( le réponse en anglais) est préjudiciable pour le candidat.

Le candidat n'est pas obligé de connaître l'anglais car il passe le concours en roumain et en français. 

Dear Codreanu,

David @ EU Training Fri, 07/08/2016 - 11:37

Dear Codreanu,

Thank you for your messages.

We are constantly striving to enhance our database and expand the number of test languages available in our system. Most of the new questions added to our database now feature explanations in the same language as the one the test was taken in, however our database is very large and we haven't managed to get around to doing this with all of our older questions. This is an ongoing project, but we greatly appreciate your feedback as it greatly helps us to assess priorities.

Kind regards,

David @ EU Training 


REPER2016AD102 Wed, 02/01/2017 - 14:57


In my experience, the explanations are in English because they have translated the questions and answers from English into the different languages (Rumanian, Spanish in my case, Greek, etc) but not the explanations. 

I actually find this very useful because there are many mistakes due to bad translations, and the fact that the explanations are in English help me ´see through´ the bad translation.

The truth is that EPSO verbal questions are as badly translated as the questions we can find in these packages, which paradoxically makes this training very useful.

I´ve sometimes found the right answer by "thinking in English" even if the questions and answers were in my mother tongue.

I suggest we keep on claiming against EPSO with the hope that one day they will create questions from texts which are originally in the selected language. As long as verbal tests are translations, we´ll carry on suffering the consequences.

Bon courage,
