Unfortunately, I just realized that in my EPSO/AD/412/24 application, I forgot to include one of my relevant work experiences. The issue is that without this experience, I do not meet the 3-year requirement. If I upload the contract related to this position when uploading the supporting documents (maybe including some relevant information), do you know if it will still be considered?
Thank you very much in advance!
"Under 4.3.1. in the
"Under 4.3.1. in the competition notice, it states that you should fulfil all eligibility requirements at the closing date for registration to the competition. After this date, it is no longer possible to amend your written application. If the board concludes that you don’t meet the eligibility conditions, you could then file a request for review; but in my former capacity as an advisor, from experience, the board can’t accept new elements for which no reference can be found in the application (4.3.1. of the competition notice).
If more guidance is needed, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.
Kind Regards,