I can't seem to find this specific information anywhere.
Yesterday, March 6 2025, I did two "batches" of tests.
Batch 1 - (a) language knowledge, (b) verbal reasoning, (c) numerical reasoning, (d) logical reasoning.
My question is: is the pass mark calculated for the entirety of Batch 1 (a, b, c, d) or do I have to pass each one individually?
Then Batch 2 was the long article followed by the 12 multiple choice questions, which I'm already sure is marked separately.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I don't know which
Hi, I don't know which competition you're asking about, but such information is always in the notice of competition. You have to read it carefully: it's published in the Official Journal in all 24 EU official languages for ease of understanding.
I hope it helps.
For all three Reasoning tests
For all three Reasoning tests, there is a combined pass mark of 22/40.
More information in 4.3. and 4.4 of the Notice of Competition: