Hello all, 

I would like to open a new thread dedicated to the issue of the proof of experience for the competitions in the object, a hot issue, given documents have to be uploaded by the end of the summer. If anyone has more info, insights or similar problems feel free to share those. Also I would like some clarification from Eutraining staff, if they are already familiar with the issue.

My questions are, for the migration competition

-I worked as an autonomous worker for some years -Bar trainee and later attorney- my field of practice also included migration, but not only that, it was just a part of it. The certificates delivered by the professional association do not mention my field of practice, and my former employer is unwilling to put in writing a letter or statement declaring how much did I do in migration, because even he does not remember it (plus sometimes I was working with other colleagues, who were not my employers). However, for a time (one year) of said experience I did follow a course on migration law, could that helps, perhaps?

-I did an internship in a relevant field after my bachelor (three years) and before I got my master (two more years) after my fourth year of university. Could this be counted? The notice says any relevant experience can be counted if it done after attaining the min years of education, (four years in my case) but I did not receive any certificate after my fourth year of studying.

Anyone who is willing to help, add his experience is welcome


Dear Client,

luc.gillis.lg_172202 Tue, 06/25/2024 - 22:01

Dear Client,


Thank you for contacting EU Training.


The General Rules state that the qualifications, traineeships, professional experience etc. you mention in your application must be underpinned by the submission of evidence to the EPSO-account. A declaration drafted and signed upon honour will not be taken into account. The European Court of Justice has ruled over and over again, that the burden of proof lies with the candidate.

Indeed, traineeships can be considered as professional experience provided these comply with the specific provisions laid down in the General Rules (annex 1 to the competition notice). Please be aware that qualifications that have not been accomplished will not be considered.

The following documents could prove useful to coroborate your professional experience: minutes of meetings mentioning your name and tasks, invoices, contracts with business partners, membership of professional organisations, directories demonstrating your level of responsability, files you dealt with, tax bills, e-mail correspondence and all other documents enabling the Selection Board to have a perfect insight of your professional experience and its length. Please note that it falls within the remit of the board to decide on the type of documents it will accept.


I trust the above will be useful to compile the necessary evidence.


Wishing you every success with your participation to this competition.


Kind Regards,