Even if the e-tray for that competition is still ongoing, I was wondering if some of you would be interested in forming a preparation group for the AC, and notably the group exercise? I live in Brussels and would (if selected) take the AC in English. Let me know if you are interested!
Hello mcinbrussels,
I would be interested in participating in the group preparation and I already live in Brussels. We could arrange a first meeting already this week, if you are available.
Dear Louise,
you can send me an e-mail at : mcinbrussels@gmail.com . Let's rather meet next week, it would leave a bit more time for others potentiqall interested, to join
Hi MC and Louise
Hi MC and Louise
I am interested too :)
I just sent you an email to that adress.
See you soon!
Dear both Louise and
Dear both Louise and mcinbrussels,
I would love to join in with you and practice together. However, I am currently in Greece and I am willing to meet up with you via Skype.
Despite my geographical limitation/ distance from you, I am available to start practicing as soon as possible and I am available any day and time.
Good luck to all of us!
mail sent
My nane is Pella. I am intrested too. My mail is ptsachaki@yahoo.it