EPSO/AD/338/17 results 1st phase?

erdoval@gmail.com Thu, 07/20/2017 - 10:20

Hi everyone!

Yesterday a did the exam but I am not very confident about being able to get to the next phase... Anyway, my doubt at this point is if anybody knows when can we have the results, at least approximately (mid-August, in September...). They have posted that the E-tray exam may be in October, so I hope to have time enough to prepare just in case I manage to get through because I have never deal with them. 

Thanks in advanced.

They usually publish the

kurtzz Thu, 07/20/2017 - 12:45

They usually publish the results in the epso accounts one month after the test period is finished, sometimes a month and a half. And around a week later (maybe less, maybe more) they say who continues to the next step.

Thank you kurtzz ;-) If I

erdoval@gmail.com Thu, 07/20/2017 - 13:16

Thank you kurtzz ;-) If I pass I hope to have time enough to prepare the E-tray...

None below 35/40 (at least)

pgarciay_89762 Tue, 07/25/2017 - 19:01

None below 35/40 (at least) will go through, folks. That's the way it is here. My personal view is that you only know that you have passed when you come out the exams' room on cloud nine thinking that your exam is simply flawless. As long as you doubt about some questions, you are screwed up. Thereis always a number of fails that you are not simply conscious of. If plus on them, there are also some others that you possitively know, or guess that are also wrong, be sure that you will be out of the competition. I really don't know what people expect from this type of competitions. There are more that 23.000 applicants out there. The preparing time average (for those lucky and sharp guys who are able to pass) is around 5 or 6 years of ruthless preparation, trying more than one comptetition per year and undergoing painful defeats. The rest, simply a fairy tale.

Bon courage, mes amis.

I'd say, on the contrary,

kurtzz Wed, 07/26/2017 - 11:24

I'd say, on the contrary, that the cut will be not less than 29 and not more than 32 (33 tops). We'll see.

Shall God listen your prayers

pgarciay_89762 Wed, 07/26/2017 - 11:34

Shall God listen your prayers,Kurtzz....!! Lol. Unfortunatley, I think  the pass mark has never been so low.

Two years ago I got 38 on 40

erdoval@gmail.com Wed, 07/26/2017 - 11:57

Two years ago I got 38 on 40 in the AD 303-15, Development cooperation and managing aid to non-EU countries (AD 7). I passed of course and the pass mark was on 32 (on 40, not on 50 like this time). But I guess is different from this competition. We were not so many and the exam was easier. But the truth is that I was much better prepared (I was getting between 90% - 100% in my results by the end and I started 6 months earlier). This time I only had time one month before and my results were around 85% by the end. We'll see... Good luck to everyone anyway!

I just passed with 32.

kurtzz Wed, 09/27/2017 - 12:33

I just passed with 32.

This year there is an e-tray

strangequark Wed, 07/26/2017 - 12:41

This year there is an e-tray exercise. This means more people are allowed to move on to this extra step than usual. So the passmark should be lower than in the past  

Plus: AR was not easy, so I doubt, that there are a lot of candidates with very good CBT-results (>36/40).

Well, that's so variable,

pgarciay_89762 Wed, 07/26/2017 - 12:58

Well, that's so variable, strangequark,you know....I do not know my results, so take this assertment with the maximum prevention, but I found the AR easier than expected. Otherwise the NR was considerably more difficult than I thought, and the VR, (my preferred one) ailed of very bad translation in certain questions. Besides, last year there was also an e-tray exercise and the pass mark was around 85% (50/60).

Does anyone can explain to me

Nivekus Wed, 07/26/2017 - 23:08

Does anyone can explain to me the reason we have to wait so long for our individual results?

Nivekus, you should ask EPSO

lasombradecain@gmail.com Tue, 08/01/2017 - 07:46

Nivekus, you should ask EPSO this question. Most competitions take 1 year + to complete. It's painfully slow, and sometimes it's not even the assessment board's fault. Sometimes results are ready but EPSO still takes more than a month to send them to candidates. Patience is a skill they never mention in the competition notice but it's tested aaaaall along the way.

One reason is the following:

strangequark Thu, 07/27/2017 - 12:05

One reason is the following: They check if some questions have to be neutralised. 

Thanks Strangequark.

Nivekus Thu, 07/27/2017 - 13:48

Thanks Strangequark.
And what are reasons to neutralize a question?
Also, we all had different sets of questions...

Actually I was wondering if

estanislao Wed, 08/23/2017 - 22:29

Actually I was wondering if we all get the same set of questions, can you confirm? some comments on this thread maybe misled me to think the contrary.

Some people on this thread mention that one part or another in the test was more difficult than previous years and therefore they assume the passing limit will be lower, something we can assure 100% only if we all got the same questions...

I guess EPSO strives to have the same level of difficulty in all sets of questions, however a difficult test could be at least partly blamed on bad luck (getting more difficult set of questions), right?

I can confirm that there were

Nivekus Thu, 08/24/2017 - 07:14

I can confirm that there were different sets of questions.


estanislao Mon, 08/28/2017 - 21:33


According to the EPSO website

Dagmara Marciniak Wed, 08/30/2017 - 11:10

According to the EPSO website, the results will be published at the end of September and the e-tray exercise will take place on 16th-20th October.


Hi, Dagamara. I've seen the

pgarciay_89762 Wed, 08/30/2017 - 11:50

Hi, Dagamara. I've seen the CBT's outcome forecast which you mention but I am not able to see the E-tray test period that you also make reference to. Could you tell us where you have seen it...??

You can see it here in the

Dagmara Marciniak Wed, 08/30/2017 - 11:52

You can see it here in the indicative planning section:  https://epso.europa.eu/apply/job-offers/competition/2406/description_en   

EPSO has just released AD/338

pgarciay_89762 Thu, 09/21/2017 - 11:34

EPSO has just released AD/338/17 RESULTS.

Good luck to everyone.


You've received your results?

Dagmara Marciniak Thu, 09/21/2017 - 11:40

You've received your results? Because I've not received them yet.

Then, in my opinion this

pgarciay_89762 Thu, 09/21/2017 - 11:49

Then, in my opinion this means very good news for you, Dagmara. Many years of practising...?? I am only for 20 months. This was my first attempt to AD scale. Only had an AST competition before. Good luck.

I've been practising since

Dagmara Marciniak Thu, 09/21/2017 - 11:57

I've been practising since January this year. I have also taken part in the EPSO/AD/332 for lawyer linguists and I am at the assessment center stage. So you think that they have communicated the results to those who have not passed? That's kinda wird, isn't it? I mean if one has passed the first stage, it would be good to know it asap in order to start preparing for the e-tray, 

Receive my deepest apologies,

pgarciay_89762 Thu, 09/21/2017 - 11:59

Receive my deepest apologies, dear peers. My first message was just the unfortunate result of an undesriable false alarm caused by a number of circumstances that would be difficult to explain in this forum. I can confirm that, upto now, There have not been any marks release as regards this competition.

I beg you pardon again. I know our hearts are not these days for false rumours and hysteric overreactions, but believe me that was not in my will whatosever to create some confussion on this matter.

Good luck to everyone.


hahah Apology accepted. It

Dagmara Marciniak Thu, 09/21/2017 - 12:03

hahah Apology accepted. It did seem weird that they would communicate the results to only part of the candidates. As I have read in another forum, EPSO has confirmed that the results would not bee published until the very end of September. 

Results are out.

kurtzz Wed, 09/27/2017 - 12:32

Results are out.

Yes, indeed they are. Passing

pgarciay_89762 Wed, 09/27/2017 - 13:06

Yes, indeed they are. Passing mark 28/40, definitely so low. Luckily I could make it  to the E-tray phase, 32/40. Congratulations to those who succeeded and some courage for those who did not.


Hello. I have just seen that

dmatrecano_112937 Wed, 09/27/2017 - 13:17

Hello. I have just seen that my final score is:
Total 33,78

It's not sufficient to pass, unfortunately. Anyway it was my first Expo experience. What do you think about it?

7,78? how is it possible to

estanislao Wed, 09/27/2017 - 22:17

7,78? how is it possible to have decimal scores?

PS: I passed, congratulations to those who also did, and good luck next time to does who didn't!


I think it is possible if one

Dagmara Marciniak Thu, 09/28/2017 - 11:34

I think it is possible if one of the questions was neutralised, due to, for example, an error in the question. 

They don't count the NR

yi.jiang.tretton@gmail.com Thu, 09/28/2017 - 07:11

They don't count the NR result. 

Hi, Just a question, why my

yi.jiang.tretton@gmail.com Thu, 09/28/2017 - 07:06

Hi, Just a question, why my numerical result was calculated based on 10, not twenty? And it says the numerical result was not counted in the total score. 

"1 The results of the numerical reasoning test are not taken into account in the calculation of your total MCQ tests mark."

Test b)1 :   Numerical

yi.jiang.tretton@gmail.com Thu, 09/28/2017 - 07:07

Test b)1 :   Numerical reasoning: 7.000 /10 (pass mark: 5/10)

There were only 10 questions

Dagmara Marciniak Thu, 09/28/2017 - 11:37

There were only 10 questions in the numerical reasoning test and thus, the final score was calculated based on 10 not 20. 

According to the EPSO website

Dagmara Marciniak Mon, 10/02/2017 - 19:33

According to the EPSO website, the assessment centre stage will taek place January/April 2018. That's quite a timespan.. 

Lol. Indeed....Let's hope we

pgarciay_89762 Tue, 10/03/2017 - 09:27

Lol. Indeed....Let's hope we will be given the opportunity to experiment such a long await......I figure out the E-tray exercise gonna be a nightmare...

By the way does anybody know how many questions there will be....?? I struggle to finish on time with only 18, I simply don't wanna know how this could be with 23 or 24.......

Last, but surely not the least, a couple of questions for those of you who have tried the Arboreus' E-tray exercises about which I would like to get some responses, if you don't mind: 1) what is your average score...?? I am simply not able to get more than 30-31/40...2) According to your previous experience, do you regard the mock E-trays offered here as adequate to prepare the real E-tray test...??

Good luck to everyone.

Kind Regards.


Hi, I am getting exactly the

Sarah Tue, 10/03/2017 - 16:20

Hi, I am getting exactly the same results so far (29-30-31 /40).

I thought also that the time given by EPSO was 50 minutes whilst Arboreus/EU training tests give 56 mn. I wonder whether this is in line with the competition notice and if not, why don't EU training tests stick to the competition notice?

I continue also to face issues with the fact that, for each question, the box I tick (for the first 2 responses) do not appear as ticked when I review results. While the boxes I ticked  appear in green/red when I review my test results afterwards, I still do not see my responses during the test itself, meaning that it becomes difficult to review a question during the test. It would be great if EU training could fix this.

Thank you

Dear all,

kiki Mon, 10/09/2017 - 12:17

Dear all,

I have an urgent question: have you received a confirmation in your EPSO account for booking the etray? I received one by email but not in my account!

Do you have the same. Normally the confirmation in the account appears within 48hours, if I am not wrong.

Thank you for leting me know.



I have received a

Dagmara Marciniak Mon, 10/09/2017 - 12:33

I have received a confirmation in my account but not in as a message, but in the news feed section of the account. Have you checked there? 

It is not in English, after

kiki Mon, 10/09/2017 - 13:03

It is not in English, after your message I checked the german vs and it was there! Very strange arrangement. Thank you and good luck! 

I'm glad I could help. Mine

Dagmara Marciniak Mon, 10/09/2017 - 18:21

I'm glad I could help. Mine was also in German, and I had to scroll down to see the English version. Indeed, it is a strange arrangement. Good luck to you too! 

Dear All,

JORGE 6979 Wed, 10/18/2017 - 18:57

Dear All,
For the ones who didn't do the e-tray test yet, just to let you know that instead of 18 questions they remembered to make 21. Same time but a little more stressy. Good luck yo all