Hallo everybody,
after being preselected for CAST Law GF IV, I took and passed the reasoning and competency-based tests and now I have been invited for an interview via videoconference.
Does anybody know what this interview might involve and how I should prepare for it? What kind of questions am I supposed to answer? Does it imply an oral competency-based exam or it is just an interview to know each other and discuss about the position I have been selected for and the duration of the contract?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
I have no Idea about the
I have no Idea about the questions but proboablby related to your work and based on the information you mentioned in your CV.
I would like to ask you how do you find questions difficulty related to LAW ? thanks
Thank you for the answer.
Thank you for the answer.
I think the difficulty of the law questions was mainly related to the topics, which were not "closely legal" but involved, for example, the introduction of Euro currency in the different EU countries and other general issues I had not expected.
Hi Sero,
Hi Sero,
thanks for info, could you please let me know if you bought any preparatory materials for the exam(eu training)??
I first revised the
I first revised the principles of EU law on an updated book which is commonly used by students at University and read the EU Treaties carefully, then I bought a set of sample questions on eutraining. They were quite similar to those I had to answer during the preselection session.
Dear Sero,
Dear Sero,
Interview at EU institutions/agencies are normally very structured! dotn expect any chat about the position, contract...
you will be asked to present yourself; motivation for the post; then some specific and generic competency based questions...
of course they will tell you something about the post itself, contract modalities and other HR information.
Hi Sero,
Hi Sero,
would you please be so kind as to provide more info regarding the competency test questions, what would you say is the focus and what is the best way to prepare? Thank you in advance, any help is greatly appreciated!
According to my experience,
According to my experience, the general issues to focus on are the role and functioning of the EU institutions, the primary and secondary legislation, the judicial remedies and the milestones in the case law of the ECJ. However, it is not sufficient because many questions deal with eather general knowledge (e.g. the history of EU), for which it could be useful to explore the websites of the EU institutions and the main EU agencies and get a general idea about what they do and what their achievements are, or with more specific legal issues (e.g. main provisions of specific regulations or directives), for which it is impossibile to have a deep preparation and you shoud reason on the contents of the questions and the possible answers to choose the right one.