Numerical test feedback

tommy1234 Wed, 02/26/2025 - 18:33

After today's exam, I would like to address the issue of tools provided as part of the numerical test.

The method of using the place for taking notes (pdf scratchpad, etc.) is unclear, unintuitive, requires several clicks, and has to be repeated for each question. Given the amount of time given for each question, this is an additional, completely unnecessary complication. 

I have the impression that this interface was programmed by someone who either wanted to make it as difficult as possible for the examinees to use it, or simply did not know of a tool such as a primitive Windows notepad, that would work much more effective.

Hi, Tommy, I understand very Thu, 02/27/2025 - 12:45

Hi, Tommy, I understand very well your frustration. 

I´m just another candidate, but I´ve been a candidate many times, long before the EPSO existed. What I am going to write is just my personal experience and my opinion: it is not based on anything I have read anywhere.

TestWE was first used, to my knowledge, by the European Parliament when EPSO wasn´t doing exams after what I call 'the pandemic crisis'. In the competition I took part with the EP (I insist, where EPSO did not intervene) TestWE worked fine because we only had to deal with text, there were no numerical, verbal or abstract tests.

When Prometic stopped being EPSO´s contractor, it seems EPSO turned to TestWE developers following such a successful experience with the EP. My guess is that the contractor adapted the software in whatever means possible in order to accommodate verbal, abstract and numericals tests.

There have been many complaints about the numerical and they have also reached the European Ombudsman.

EPSO is well aware of the issue. I wrote to them suggesting improvements in the video and guide, to no avail so far. They thanked me very much for my suggestions and they assured me they´re working very hard to improve the candidates´ experience, and I really want to believe them because they must be overwhelmed with hundreds of complaints.

I do not think the software can be changed so easily, but it might also be the case that the contractor won´t change anything because such an update is not contemplated in their contract: I have no idea, sorry. 

There was a call for tenders at the end of 2024 and we don´t know who the future contractor will be, but hopefully they´ll do better with the numericals.

Ideally, CBTs should disappear, but I don´t think it´s going to happen.

In the meantime, we have to endure this situation and have loads of patience.

I understand very well how you feel: I´ve been there and I did even worse than you. In a recent competition I could not use the notepad at all.

Good luck with your results,
