Good morning everyone,

More than one week ago I've submitted my application for the next CAST selection that will take place on the 13th/14th of March (computer-based test); this is the period to book the exam (4th/7th March) but I still wait to know if I've been pre-selected or not. Do you know how long should I wait? 

Also I have another question: from the call for expression of interest, it appears that the computer-based test will consist of verbal, abstract and numerical reasoning questions only. Will I also find a language test because of the Translator position (EPSO/CAST/P/22/2019)? And if yes, which language will it be (1 or 2)?


Thank you for your kindness! Have a nice day

1) https://eu-careers.europa

David @ EU Training Tue, 03/05/2024 - 17:47


2) Not in the first phase. If you make it past the Reasoning tests, you will be invited by the recruiting services to sit a series of field-related tests.

Thank you David, you've been

Marzia Tue, 03/05/2024 - 18:05

Thank you David, you've been very helpful! So in other words, if I didn't receive the invitation for the test now that the booking period is already open, it means I wasn't chosen. What a pity, let's hope for the next round :)