EPSO-AD/302/15 Assessment Centre

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/27/2015 - 12:20


I am preparing the AC for AD5 Auditors, if you are interested in sharing information or experience, we can get in touch by email, skype... My email address is lauragilro(at)gmail(dot)com

Thanks and good luck!

RVN Mon, 11/16/2015 - 16:17


Any ideas for preparing for the CS - especially on how to demonstrate the specific knowledge in the field - would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

francescab Wed, 11/18/2015 - 15:32

Hi Laura,
this is Francesca. I've got the date for the Assessment Centre do you?

RVN, I can only suggest you to check ECA website and read what they publish. I'm not expert in the field, so I can't help
Good luck

lauragilro Thu, 11/19/2015 - 00:41

Hi Francesca,

yes, my AC is on 01/02, what about yours?

RVN, I am not an expert, I am going through ECA's website and manuals, but not in much deep because it's a lot of information...

Good luck for CS on Friday! Fingers crossed!

RVN Thu, 11/19/2015 - 12:26

Thank you Laura and Francesca, and good luck !


RVN Fri, 11/20/2015 - 13:20


Just sat the CS exam. How do you feel about it ?

I think I did ok for the first part, but for the second I am not sure I answered in the expected/requested way.

More exactly, I mentioned all the good practice mentioned in the audit findings, except the ones under the keep cost under control (mentioned in first answer).

How did everyone else handled this ?

And how did you mentioned in your CS the specific knowledge (in the field of audit) ?

And BTW, it is very strange how I cannot remember exactly how the second assignment sounded like ? It was something about good practices regarding the diversification of rural development objectives ??? Can someone with fresher memory help ? :)

Sorry for the long post and somewhat incoherent ideas, :(