Hello all,
Is anybody interested in meeting up in Brussels to practice together Assessment center tests in the next 10 days ? I have the tests for AST/133/14 end of April and I'm convinced that the preparation is more efficient by practicing in group!
In case your interested, let me know.
Hello Laurent,
I am also based in Brussels and I would
Be interested in joining the group.
Hi Riancour, it's a great news! Let's give me you email or FB detail in order to plan something.
Anyone else interested ?
my mobile is 0485395745
Hi Laurent,
I hope I'm not too late, as I'm also interested.
My email is miguel.roch@ymail.com
Hi Riancour and Thlouskova, I suggest we meet on Saturday to prepare together specially the group exercise.
Tell me when are you available via mail laurent.ber@gmail.com