Hello all,
Is anybody interested in meeting up to do a mock group exercise in April or ASAP, preferably in Luxembourg, but also in Brussels?
Or does anybody know where to sign up for a mock group exercise?
In case your interested, leave a short reply in this thread and we can get in touch.
All the best,
Hello. I live in Luxembourg and I would be interested in participating in a mock group exercise.
Yes, please I am interested. I am currently residing in Lux, working at the Court as a trainee and I just received the e-mail stating that I am invited to the assessment centre for Translating to German. Please contact me!
Ups, you're Moebius, not Moebious ;-) Sorry.
Hello! I have just e-mailed you. I am looking forward to hearing from you. :)
Also interested in study group in Luxembourg - will send an email. Thanks for organizing!
I'd be interested in study groups but in Brussels. Let me know! for the group exercise but also for the other exercises (case study, for example).
I'm also interested in a study group in Brussels
Hi there, I deleted the email address since we are now enough people.
Keep the spirit!
Hi Ale and Asa, I'm interested in study groups in Brussels. I'm convinced it's much more efficient to prepare the test together. For the group exercice, the case study and even for the structured interview.
Are you still interested ?
Is someone else interested ?
Hi, In Luxembourg and would be interested in participating in group exercise.
Best,let's Know. Rudolf
Laurent I'd be interested if I pass the e-tray.
we are two people in Brussels preparing all the exercises of the oral phase (a third one to be confirmed).
We would like to be 5 or 6 at the end.
Can interested people e-mail this adress to join : j_mace@hotmail.fr ?
Thank you in advance.