How to prepare | EPSO Economics Exam

EU Training

How to prepare for the 18 December EPSO AST3 Finance exam

Whether you are preparing for the Financial, Industrial or Micro-/macroeconomics profile in this competition, one solid fact is the same - exam day is just over three weeks away (from article publish date). Don't panic (not yet, at any rate), take a deep breath - we are here to help.

This step-by-step EPSO prep guide was created with you in mind. Hopefully, it will calm your nerves and help motivate you.

Before you start any preparation, the very first thing you should do is update your EU Training profile with your competition. Why should I do this, you ask? Because you will receive important notifications related directly to your competition, and about special discounts. How do I do this, you ask?

  1. Log in to your EU Training account, and click on your avatar.
  2. Click 'My account' in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Choose your EPSO profile from the drop-down list:


Choose your EPSO competition to receive special offers and notifications about new products.



A solid foundation

Begin at the very beginning. This short but very insightful article will help you wrap your head around the concept of preparing for the exam: When preparation meets opportunity.

Next, benefit from the author's, András Baneth's, expertise by watching the EPSO Preparation Mastery webinar recording. Learn useful tips on how to manage your time and how to get yourself in the right mindset for success.

This list of MCQ study resources for studying are also a great place to begin beefing up your field-related knowledge.

And finally, before you start prepping for the Written Test, this article about How to write effectively and avoid plagiarism provides important guidelines.



Building blocks

  1. Webinars 

Kick off your prep schedule by watching some fundamental webinars about reasoning skills, this will help you immensely when you get to the test simulation phase.

  1. Workshops

Ask questions directly from the experts with these live, interactive sessions.

  1. Test simulations

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, put all the above theory into practice with EPSO-style test simulations. You can do timed test simulations with a similar online platform for Reasoning skills (CBT) practice questions, Field-related MCQ practice questions and the Written Test:



Written Test Simulation + Evaluation Service

When EPSO releases the document for the Written Test, we will offer this service. Our educated guess is the document will be published on 15 or 16 January. How does this service work?

  • Sample assignment: Our experts will come up with a possible sample assignment based on the real EPSO document
  • Choose a date: Select a date from the calendar - that will be the date you submit your response.
  • Prepare thoroughly: Review the official EPSO document alongside the additional preparation materials we provide.
  • Do the test simulation Complete the simulated written test on our platform
  • Submit your response to the sample assignment for evaluation
  • Get valuable feedback: You will receive your evaluation by midnight the following day.

Watch this space! This article will be updated when the service becomes available.



Wishing you good luck

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