Salary Calculator

Wondering what you could earn at the start of your EU career? Or what your salary might be if you get promoted to the next Grade / Step level? Answer the questions below to get a rough estimate on the salary you could be earning as an EU official.

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* Required

Question 1 of 10
Question 2 of 10
You are eligible for expatriation allowance if you have to relocate for the desired job (unless you have “habitually resided” in the particular country during the preceding 5.5 years), and if you have never been a national of that country. Please see EU Staff Regulations for the full official explanation of Expatriate Allowance.
Question 3 of 10
Question 4 of 10
Question 5 of 10
If this is your first EU job then choose Step 1.
Question 6 of 10
You are eligible for household allowance if you are married with a dependent child, or you do not have a dependent children but your spouse earns less than an AST3 in Step 2.Please see EU Staff Regulations for the official explanation of Household Allowance (page 96 / Annex VII / Section 1 – Family allowances / Article 1 - Household allowance).
Question 7 of 10
Question 8 of 10
Question 9 of 10
Question 10 of 10
Based on the information you provided above, here is a rough estimate of your possible net salary:
- / Month
Disclaimer: The salary estimate provided here is not official and is purely for information purposes. The estimated salary calculated here is based on current EU Staff Regulations and other credible sources. The actual monthly allowance you receive as an EU official may differ from the amount indicated here. This EU salary calculator is intended to be used to estimate the salary you may receive as an EU official.