I was browsing through your training packages but couldn't find one specifically designed for Linguistic Assistants.

Which do you recommend? The Linguist package or the Assistants package?

Thank you.

P.S. I would also like to know what happens in the case of a repeted purchase of a question package. 

Do you guarantee that all the questions are going to be new or not?






David @ EU Training Thu, 02/22/2018 - 09:25


Our Lawyer Linguist package is absolutely suitbale for the Linguistic Assistant competition. After purchase, before you begin testing, make sure to select this exam profile: 'Linguistic Assistant - Pre-Selection' on the Start test tab.

Each exercise has a unique question ID that our system tracks per user. This way we can ensure that you will not receive the same question twice as far as you don't exceed the maximum number of exercises that we offer.

You can check the available number of questions from each domain, per language, by moving your mouse pointer above the letter 'i' on the Products tab.

Best regards, David