Situational Competency-Based Interview (SCBI)

The SCBI is an interview that aims to assess a number of general competencies (Analysis and Problem Solving, Learning and Development, Prioritising and Organising, Resilience, Working with Others, and Leadership) by asking how they would react in a specific situation. It consists of a one-on-one online meeting with a trained interviewer.

Approximately two to three weeks before the SCBI testing period, candidates receive the written assignment and background information to help them prepare. In the assignment, candidates will be asked to replace a colleague and assume responsibility for various tasks and situations to be discussed during the interview. Additional situations, not based on the assignment, will also be included. Candidates are allowed to consult the written assignment and background information during the interview.

For the SCBI, candidates will be interviewed by an EU staff member. Two selection board members observe and assess the performance of each candidate and score the competencies covered by the test. The interviewer is not involved in the assessment of the candidate. The interview is not recorded for data protection purposes. The interview itself lasts between 30 - 40 minutes. Additional time is added if there are interruptions because of a bad network connection.

See also:

Assessment Centre

Related links:

Analysis & Problem-Solving | Learning and Development | Organising and Prioritising