AD 5 generalists WORK EXPERIENCE

danivallo_167118 Wed, 10/04/2023 - 16:55

Dear all,

Does anybody have a clue about the work experience that would be relevant so as to successfully complete the recruitment phase (from reserve list to being hired as a new official)?


It's hard to say which

David @ EU Training Thu, 10/12/2023 - 20:34

It's hard to say which experience may be needed or considered relevant at the time of recruitment as this can change over time, also depending on the policy priorities and administrative situation of a given Commission DG or other institution.

Passing the AD5 and having many years of work experience can be relevant, but there is a great amount of uncertainty about what needs may there be in 6-12 months when the reserve list is used for recruitment. 

We wish we could be more specific or give you better guidance but that's all we know for now.