Brussels vs. Luxembourg

András Baneth's picture
András Baneth

EU job seekers often wonder whether it is better to live in Brussels or Luxembourg?...given the choice. 

We are in no position to decide on such a crucial matter, but here is a list of dilemmas you will face if you need to choose between these two eminent cities.

  • Do you fancy a uniquely pronounced, French-German-Switzerdütch-sounding language called Luxembourgish? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you fancy a more widely spoken, nevertheless uniquely pronounced language called Flemish? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you like living in a country where you can easily take the wrong exit on the highway and end up in a different country by chance? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you like having one of the largest selection of beers in the world? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you prefer absolute calm and silence even on a Saturday night? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you enjoy massive traffic jams every morning? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you enjoy spotlessly clean streets? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you like networking and attending high-profile EU conferences? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you enjoy checking out the latest cabriolets, 4x4s, luxury cars and sports wagons? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you plan to pay one of the EU’s highest taxes if your spouse works in the local job market? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you occasionally want to practice some Portuguese with the locals? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you like to sometimes watch protesters from all over the world in the EU district? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you prefer having ten times more banks than food and grocery shops? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you dream of working for the European Commission (except for a few DGs)? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you like high real estate and apartment rental prices? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you enjoy living in a mini-New York? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you love having nature and green all around you? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you want to know how it is to fix an appointment with a plumber/repairman/fixer who never shows up? Then choose Belgium.
  • Do you like seeing your colleagues in the supermarket, gym and city centre even after leaving the office? Then choose Luxembourg.
  • Do you enjoy living in a country that, from time to time, appears in world news as the record holder for lack of government? Then choose Belgium.

As you can see, this is not an easy choice at all... 

If you are really clueless about which one to choose, we suggest joining the European Ombudsman’s office so you can work in….Strasbourg! wink